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<div class="projectathon-box-col-content">
<h3 class="h5">Projectathon #2 Report</h3>
<p class="p-opacity">This report summarises key results from the testing that took place from 14-16 June 2023. It also provides a useful overview of lessons learned recommendations for October Projectathon.</p>
<!--<p><span class="badge warning">Coming soon</span></p>-->
<p><a class="btn primary-bis" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-02','oots-projectathon-report'])"><span>Download the Report</span><span class="ico-download"></span></a></p>


<p class="video-p">Watch the official June 2023 Projectathon ‘aftermovie’.</p>
<div class="video-container-iframe">
<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" width="100%" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe> 
<div class="col-8">


<h2 class="h3">Practical information</h2>

<ul class="information-list">

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Location</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Conference Center Albert Borschette (CCAB)<br>Rue Froissart 36<br>1040 Brussels, Belgium</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Date</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>14 - 16 June 2023</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Registration</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Open 08 May 2023; Close 23 May 2023</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Target groups</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>All Member States teams relevant for implementing the Once-Only Technical System (to be coordinated with the National Coordinator).</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Fees</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>No fees are charged to participate to the actual Projectathon event itself.</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Travel</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>The Commission can cover the reimbursement of travel costs for one public and one private sector expert per Member State.</p></div>




<h2 class="h3">Description</h2>

<p>The June 2023 Projectathon will be based on the <a target="_blank" href="">Q1 2023 release</a> of the Once-Only Technical Design Documents as amended with any corrections from the <a target="_blank" href="">errata list</a>.</p>

<p>For this event, the test cases prepared for the April 2023 Projectathon are largely taken over as it still reflects the main plans of the Member States. It consists of the following elements:</p>

<li>5 Evidence Exchange scenarios without preview,</li>
<li>5 Evidence Exchange scenarios with preview,</li>
<li>2 Maintenance flow scenarios (Common Service updates).</li>

<p>A high-level overview and summary of test cases is available to the testing and deployment sub-group (restricted to relevant users on the wiki).</p>

<p>The full test cases are accessible via the Gazelle platform (restricted to users that registered as participants to the Projectathon).</p>

<p>In addition, the June Projectathon will allow for some more advanced scenarios to be discussed in exploration sessions or in a restricted test session between those teams that are ready for the next level of tests (e.g. more dynamic eID test cases by integrating eID nodes into the transactions, test cases covering related systems, e.g., adding actual Base Registries to the test cases).</p>

<p>The tests will start with static and pre-agreed data. This is to be discussed in and shared through the relevant subgroup (Testing and deployment) and/or collaborative space on Teams.</p>

<p>Those Member States that want to go further and create custom datasets or dynamic datasets for bilateral tests can do so as well.</p>

<p style="margin-top:2.5rem;"><a class="link-download primary" href=""><span>Download the privacy statement</span></a></p>




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