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The `settings.xml` located inside the `.\config\` folder contains several global configuration settings used inside the component. Each kind of setting is
Below you find a pseudo example of the settings shipped with the component itself. It contains onlyl a `<SubmitAgent />` but other types of agents are also available (See the section below about **Agents**).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Repository type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Repositories.CertificateRepository" />
        <SubmitAgent name="FILE Submit Agent">
            <Receiver type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Receivers.FileReceiver">
                <Setting key="FilePath">.\messages\out</Setting>
                <Setting key="FileMask">*.xml</Setting>
                <Setting key="PollingInterval">0:00:05</Setting>
            <Transformer type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Transformers.SubmitMessageXmlTransformer" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.RetrieveSendingPModeStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.DynamicDiscoveryStep"/>
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.CreateAS4MessageStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.StoreAS4MessageStep" />

The different kind of settings are explained in the following paragraphs.:

GUID Format

When creating AS4 Messages, Message Ids are being generated. To configure the format in which this must be done the <IdFormat/> tag is being used inside the settings.xml.
