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<h2 class="h3">About the interviewee<interviewees</h2>

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<p class="lead"><strong>Jonathan J. Attia</strong></p>
<p>French CTO for European Single Digital Gateway</p>
<p><i>Organization: Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM)</i></p>

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<p>Jonathan J. Attia is inventor in the field of computer science, cryptography, and network technologies (with many international patents), Jonathan leads several working groups at IEEE SA and ISO/IEC JTC 1 in quantum technologies. He joined DINUM in September 2022 to increase the potential for innovation between public data and high-impact European use cases. Jonathan is Member of Le Cercle des Administrators and Senior Member at IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).</p>
<p class="lead">Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM).</p>
<p>DINUM supports French ministries in their digital transformation. It advises the government and develops services and shared resources such as the inter-ministerial network of the State, FranceConnect, or The DINUM is a service of the Prime Minister, placed under the authority of the Minister of Transformation and Public Services<p><strong>Kirsi Mikkonen</strong>, Chief Specialist Kirsi is a highly skilled and enthusiastic civil servant with years of experience in implementing key digital policies like The Act on Central Government's Joint e-Service Support Services, Services Directive and Single Digital Regulation.</p>

<p><strong>Mervi Kylmänen-Paakki</strong>, Senior Specialist. Mervi is a proficient government official with a forward-looking mindset, who has worked with developing public services and EU Single Market from national perspective for several years.</p>

<p><strong>Olli Hurskainen</strong>, Senior Specialist. Olli is a versatile government official and a newcomer in the Finnish team, who has earlier worked with improving information of Finnish public services for several years.</p>


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