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<h2 class="h3">Practical information</h2>

<ul class="information-list">

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Location</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Conference Center Albert Borschette (CCAB)<br>Rue Froissart 36<br>1040 Brussels, Belgium</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Date</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>19 April - 21 April 2023</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Registration</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Closed</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Target groups</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>All Member States teams relevant for implementing the Once-Only Technical System (to be coordinated with the National Coordinator).</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Fees</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>No fees are charged to participate to the actual Projectathon event itself.</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Accommodation</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Any hotel reservation is the responsibility of the participants. Member State reimbursement is possible but limited up to one public and one private sector expert per Member State.</p></div>




<h2 class="h3">Description</h2>

<p>The April 2023 Projectathon will be based on the OOTS TDDs (Technical Design Documents) version Q4 2022. For this event, an overview of a mix of test cases has been prepared, in sync with those specifications and tailored to the development status of the Member States. It consists of the following elements:</p>

<li>5 Evidence Exchange scenarios without preview,</li>
<li>5 Evidence Exchange scenarios with preview,</li>
<li>2 Maintenance flow scenarios (Common Service updates).</li>

<p>A high-level overview and summary of test cases is available to the testing and deployment sub-group (restricted to relevant users on the wiki). The full test cases detailed will be visible in Gazelle (restricted to users that registered as participants to the Projectathon).</p>

<p>The tests will start with static and pre-agreed data. This is to be discussed in and shared through the relevant subgroup (Testing and deployment) and/or collaborative space on Teams.</p>

<p style="margin-top:2.5rem;"><a class="link-download primary" href=""><span>Download the privacy statement</span></a></p>



<h2 class="h3">Projectathon agenda</h2>

<ul class="agenda-list">

<div class="agenda-cols">
<div class="agenda-col"><p>Day 1</p></div>
<div class="agenda-col">

<ul class="agenda-hour">
<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:00 - 09:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome coffee & registration<p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:00 - 09:45</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Introduction to the OOTS Projectathon<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:45 - 10:15</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome to the Once-Only Technical System Projectathon (keynote speeches)<br>
Veronica Gaffey, Director-General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) and <br> 
Hubert Gambs, deputy Director-General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">10:15 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Technical set-up and initial tests<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Lunch <p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 15:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 1 <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:00 - 15:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Coffee break <p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:00 - 17:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 2 <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17:00 - 17:20</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Wrap-up of the day + intro to next day <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17:20 - 17:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Closing of day 1 <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17:30 - 19:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Cocktail <p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">19:30 - 22:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Informal dinner <p class="label tbc"><span>TBC</span></p></div>



<div class="agenda-cols">
<div class="agenda-col"><p>Day 2</p></div>
<div class="agenda-col"> 

<ul class="agenda-hour">
<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:30 - 09:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome coffee<p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:00 - 09:45</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Introduction to the OOTS Projectathon <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:45 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 1 <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Lunch <p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 15:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 2<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:00 - 15:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Coffee break<p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:00 - 17:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 3<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17:00 - 17:20</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Wrap-up of the day + intro to next day <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17:20 - 17:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Closing of day 2<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">18:30+</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Informal drinks <p class="label tbc"><span>TBC</span></p></div>



<div class="agenda-cols">
<div class="agenda-col"><p>Day 3</p></div>
<div class="agenda-col">

<ul class="agenda-hour">
<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:30 - 09:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome coffee<p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:00 - 09:45</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Introduction to the OOTS Projectathon <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:45 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 1<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Lunch<p class="label ccab"><span>CCAB - room 1.D<Common Space</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 14:15</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">State of play of April Projectathon & introduction to June Projectathon <p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:15 - 14:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Policy update<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:30 - 16:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing - Part 2<p class="label plenary"><span>Plenary</span></p></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">16:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">End</div>



<!-- END AGENDA -->

<!-- START ROOMS -->
<h2 class="h3">Exploration rooms</h2>

<ul class="room-list">

<!--START DAY 2-->
<div class="room-cols">

<div class="room-col"><p>Day 2</p></div>
<div class="room-col">
<ul class="room-hour">

<div class="room-hour-cols">
<div class="room-hour-col">10:00 - 16:00</div>
<div class="room-hour-col">Usability Testing - Common Services Administration Tool
<p class="label room1"><span>Rooms 304 & 305</span></p>
<i>This session offers usability testing of the common services administration tool. The Usability Lab will be open to participants who wish to volunteer for some usability testing. A testing session lasts around approximately 30-40 minutes and no prior knowledge is needed. The team will show you the latest version of the OOTS interface and gather your feedback. There is no need to sign up, you can drop in any time to make your contribution.</i>

<div class="room-hour-cols">
<div class="room-hour-col">10:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="room-hour-col">Once-Only Technical System Support services
<p class="label room2"><span>Room 310</span></p>
<i>This session presents the scope of the OOTS support service. This means you will have a clear understanding of how you can best get the help you need with different topics, such as how to log OOTS-related issues and requests, how to notify issues relating to the eDelivery building block, log organisational requests and issues, how to request assistance in component level testing and how to log questions relating to the Technical Design Document. This session will also explain how best to contact the service desk and will provide you with an opportunity to share your feedback on how we might improve this service.</i>

<div class="room-hour-cols">
<div class="room-hour-col">13:00 - 15:00</div>
<div class="room-hour-col">eDelivery "open door"
<p class="label room2"><span>Room 310</span></p>
<i>This session offers a chance for participants to meet eDelivery experts in an ‘open door’ setting. Participants can ask general and technical questions relating to eDelivery. This comes ahead of an OOTS advanced webinar on eDelivery planned on 22 May 2023.</i>


<!--END DAY 2-->

<!--START DAY 3-->
<div class="room-cols">

<div class="room-col"><p>Day 3</p></div>
<div class="room-col">
<ul class="room-hour">

<div class="room-hour-cols">
<div class="room-hour-col">10:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="room-hour-col">Usability Testing - Common Services Administration Tool
<p class="label room1"><span>Rooms 304 & 305</span></p>
<i>This session offers usability testing of the common services administration tool. The Usability Lab will be open to participants who wish to volunteer for some usability testing. A testing session lasts around approximately 30-40 minutes and no prior knowledge is needed. The team will show you the latest version of the OOTS interface and gather your feedback. There is no need to sign up, you can drop in any time to make your contribution. </i>

<div class="room-hour-cols">
<div class="room-hour-col">10:00 - 11:00</div>
<div class="room-hour-col">Once-Only Technical System Support services
<p class="label room2"><span>Room 310</span></p>
<i>This session presents the scope of the OOTS support service. This means you will have a clear understanding of how you can best get the help you need with different topics, such as how to log OOTS-related issues and requests, how to notify issues relating to the eDelivery building block, log organisational requests and issues, how to request assistance in component level testing and how to log questions relating to the Technical Design Document. This session will also explain how best to contact the service desk and will provide you with an opportunity to share your feedback on how we might improve this service.</i>

<div class="room-hour-cols">
<div class="room-hour-col">11:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="room-hour-col">Semantic services
<p class="label room2"><span>Room 310</span></p>
<i>This session offers a presentation on the development of proofs of concept (PoC) in the education and transport domains, enabling the cross-border registration of vehicles and educational diplomas in and between different EU Member States. This session will further provide an update on the progress of the semantic repository as well as the inclusion of useful controlled vocabularies.</i>


<!--END DAY 3-->  

<!-- END ROOMS -->

