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<h2>Teams and actors in the Projectathons</h2>
<p>The preparation of the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) Projectathons requires the combined effort and input of a diverse and evolving set of contributors</p>
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<h4 class="h5">OOTS team members in the European Commission</h4>
<p>Sub-group editors and their respective teams, The Commission Common Services development team, The EC OOTS Support team, The OOTS communications team, The Commission project managers</p>

<h4 class="h5">Monitors</h4>
<p>Neutral experts, familiar with the Once-Only Technical System specifications or with building blocks that are reused in the Once-Only Technical System architecture, such as <a href="" target="_blank">eDelivery</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">eID</a>.</p>

<h4 class="h5">Member State contributors</h4>
<p>Ranging from National Coordinators and sub-group experts to national or sub-national development or integration team members</p>

<h4 class="h5">Additional Projectathon experts</h4>
<p>Experts from IHE and Kereval</p>

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<h4 class="h5">Organiser team<team:</h4>
<p>The organisation with overall<p>overall responsibility for the Projectathon event.</p>
<h4 class="h5">“Gazelle” platform</h4>
<p>Manages all the elements necessary for peer-to-peer interoperability tests.</p>
<h4 class="h5">Test Module Designer</h4>
<p>Defines and documents the test plan, test cases and maintains test data in the “Gazelle” platform test management tool The Organiser Team hosts the event, defines the test scope, call for participants, and takes care of the logistics such as the event venue, network, and staff hiring.</p>

<h4 class="h5">Test Session Manager<Manager:</h4>
<p>Hosts<p>coordinator between participants and the Organiser Team: she/he hosts the technical topics related to webinars, and assists participants during the registration, preparatory test and Projectathon.</p>

<h4 class="h5">System Under Test (SUT) operator(s)</h4>
<p>Configure, connect Member States’ SUT to “Gazelle” and execute(s) the peer-to-peer tests Furthermore, the Test Session Manager evaluates the systems based on the grading from the monitors and communicates the results of the test session to the organisers and participants.</p>

<h4 class="h5">Monitors<>Monitors:</h4>
<p>Support<p>support the participants during the execution of the tests.</p>
<h4 class="h5">Observer</h4>
<p>Observe and learn what a Projectathon is and how the peer-to-peer tests are executed, to prepare themselves for the next Projectathon event.</p> They grade the tests based on objective evidences and criteria. If needed, they proceed to the necessary clarifications of the specifications, the descriptions of the tests or the tools. They evaluate the test with the “Gazelle” platform test management tool and grade it as verified, partially verified, or failed.</p>

<h4 class="h5">Test Module Designer:</h4>
<p>Test Module Designer: expert in the domain. The test module designer defines and documents the test plan, test cases and maintains test data in the “Gazelle” platform test management tool.</p>

<h4 class="h5">System Under Test (SUT) operator(s):</h4>
<p>configure and connect their SUT to “Gazelle”. During the Projectathon event, the SUT operator(s) date(s) with available partners and execute(s) the peer-to-peer tests with them. SUT operators can be on-site or online. They can be coordinators having a direct line to the team working remotely and/or technical people.</p>

<h4 class="h5">Observer:</h4>
<p>observe and learn what a Projectathon is, how peer-to-peer tests are executed, to prepare themselves for the next Projectathon event. They observe the tests via screen-sharing or sit in pairs with the volunteering participants who are performing the test profile they are interested in.</p>

<h4 class="h5">“Gazelle” platform test management tool:</h4>
<p>manages all the elements necessary for peer-to-peer interoperability tests. It offers a series of tools (validators and simulators) to verify the compliance of messages and documents with specifications or to test the interoperability of an application during a controlled test. This platform originated from the eHealth domain but can be reused in different contexts where peer-to-peer interoperability tests are relevant.</p> 



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<p>Learn more about the teams and actors in the Projectathon Playbook</p>
<p class="mb-0"><a class="btn ghost" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-overview','oots-projectathon-playbook'])"><span>Download the Projectathon Playbook</span><span class="ico-download"></span></a></p>
