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<div class="container"> 

<img aria-hidden="true" alt="" class="collaborate-with-us-img" src="">
<h2>Collaborate with us</h2>

<div class="cols gap-lg">
<div class="col-4">
<h3 class="h5">SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space</h3>
<p class="opacity-75">In the context of the Once-Only Technical System, the mission of this <a target="_blank" href="">group</a> is to coordinate the implementation work around the setup of the Once-Only Technical System. The members of this group are the Member States (and other public entities). This groups is only accessible by representatives of the Member States (and other public entities).</p>
<!--<p><a class="btn primary-negative" target="_blank" href=""><span>Visit our space</span><span class="ico-cta"></span></a></p>-->
<p class="ico-next-to before"><img aria-hidden="true" src=""><span><a class="restricted-space-link" target="_blank" href="">Restricted space</a></span></p> 

<div class="col-4 col-separator-before">
<h3 class="h5">Sub-groups</h3>
<p class="opacity-75">Six sub-groups have been set-up to examine specific topics related to the Once-Only Technical System and are expected to report to the Single Digital Gateway Coordination Group. They enable the participation of all Member States in the discussion and ensure the work done by Member State experts is monitored. The sub-groups can only be joined by experts officially nominated by their National Coordinators.</p>
<!--<p><a class="btn primary-negative" href="#"><span>Visit our space</span><span class="ico-cta"></span></a></p>-->
<p class="ico-next-to before"><img aria-hidden="true" src=""><span><a class="restricted-space-link" target="_blank" href="">Restricted space</a></span></p>    

<div class="cols">
<div class="col-6">
<h3>OOTS Projectathon collaborative space</h3>
<!--<p class="p-badge"><span class="badge sm">In development</span></p>-->
<p class="opacity-75">The objective of this space is to encourage dialogue and exchange of ideas between stakeholders in an open and transparent environment. It will mainly serve to promote the Implementers Café series in preparation of the Projectathons. Space users should be implementers of the Once-Only Technical System.</p>

<p class="ico-next-to before"><img aria-hidden="true" src=""><span><a class="restricted-space-link" target="_blank" href="">Access this restricted space</a></span></p>
<p class="ico-next-to before"><img aria-hidden="true" src=""><span><a class="restricted-space-link" target="_blank" href="">Request access (via Service Desk)</a></span></p>  




CSS Stylesheet
/*---OOH HOME PAGE - 03-11-2022---*/

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/*---WHO HUB FOR---*/
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/*---SERVICE DESK---*/
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