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This procedure describes how to enable HTTPS for AS4.NET agents that use a HttpReceiver (ReceiveAgent, SubmitAgent, PullReceiveAgent)


3.3.1    SSL certificates

To be able to use HTTPS, an SSL certificate is required.  Such a certificate can be obtained via a Certificate Authority.

For testing purposes, it is possible to generate such a SSL certificate yourself (self-signed certificate).  In a production environment, an SSL certificate that is issued by a Certificate Authority must be used.

...         Obtaining a self-signed SSL certificate

A self-signed SSL certificate can be obtained by executing the following Powershell command:
New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName <domain name>

The above command will generate a self-signed SSL Certificate and put it in the “Personal” Windows certificate store on the local machine.

...         Installing SSL certificate

On the receiving side, the SSL certificate must be installed in de “Personal” certificate store of the Local Machine.  Both the public and the private key must be present.
When using a self-signed certificate, the self-signed certificate must also be present in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store.

Parties that are sending messages to the AS4.NET MSH, must use the public key of the SSL certificate that is configured on the server.

...         Enabling HTTPS

The final step to enable https for AS4.NET, is to bind the SSL certificate to the IP address and port that the AS4.NET MSH is using.
This can be done by executing the command below in a command prompt window that has elevated rights:
