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QuestionResponseNo of feedback etcAction

Do you have a profile at CEF Digital?

A few participants do

Do you see other areas where trainings or webinars could be of interest?

The European standard requires a very high level of information quality. Can this prove to be a challenge in your coming implementation?

Validation is a central function in the European standard. Are the service providers ready for the technology?

CIUS – benefits and challenges, what is your opinion?

Which eInvoicing formats are you currently using?

Is CEF eDelivery/PEPPOL relevant for you?

Has anyone here applied earlier or intending to do so in this years call?

Do the public entities in this country have electronic workflow support for managing invoices (paper/scanned/electronic)?Both paper and scanned versions of invoices is handled through the participants administrations.

How many are connected to PEPPOL?

How many here knows about EDIfact - as part of the past syntaxes within eInvoicing - ?None

Should the invoice be validated to see if there is errors in it, and can you then reject the invoice?Yes, if the invoice is not following the rules of the standard it is considered to be not compliant to the standard. The directive says that public entities must receive and process compliant invoices. So it can be argued that non-compliant invoices can be rejected but it should be further investigated taking into account other potential national rules.Question from 1 participant
How does it work with extensions for specific markets/domains - electricity as an example - work?The extensions is used after bilateral agreement - a seller can not require you to accept their extension, but you as a public authority could create an extension which could be required after bilateral agreement.Question from 1 audience
  • follow-up question to above - can we not then use CIUS?
Yes, but it is a problem to general interoperability in Europe or across domains, since a CIUS could be a showstopper for other suppliers or service providers systems which is not compliant with the required CIUS.Comment related to above
Does Sweden or Denmark have eInvoice examples for electricity to give an example?Yes, it is possible to use specific versions of the eInvoice for usage within the certain domain and there is eInvoicing examples for telecom, electricity etc.Questions from 1 participant
Does the standard only support B2G or could it be used also for B2B?Yes, the experience tells us that in due time also B2B will take the B2G dominant standard and make it the mandatory standard for the private sector. At least this is a pattern found in the nordic countries.Question from 1 participant
Should the standard then also be used for B2C or G2C as well and how would this be done - through scanned versions of the standard?No, there is nothing in the standard in relation til consumer invoicing - it might be that there will be solutions in the market for this, and there is solutions in use in some Member States.Questions from 1 participant
Does the standard require product numbers - for services this could be a problem...No, it is not a requirement in the standard. Product/service can be described with name/description.Question from 1 participant
How many have heard about PEPPOL?5-10 participants

Is eDelivery secure?Yes, it is sufficiently secure for the purpose. Only certified AP are allowed to interconnect. There is a contractual framework around what they are allowed to do.Question form participant
Is the European standard suitable for non-European suppliers?Possibly, but not necessarily. The issuer must make sure that the invoice follows the laws relevant in the issuer's country. The EN is particularly designed for European VAT rules and they may not apply outside Europe.Question from participant
Can eDelivery/PEPPOL be used by non-European countries.Yes, nothing prevents non-European suppliers to use PEPPOL.Question from participant
is CEF/eDelivery relevant for you?There is a decision from the council of ministers that Cyprus will use PEPPOL for electronic invoicing. (For the time being Cyprus will not act as "PEPPOL authority", perhaps later.) Public entities should be registered as receivers-

Let say this scenario: if an americas American supplier want wants to use their format and their infrastructure, do we have to accept that?No, only the standard format is part of the requirement in the directive. The method of exchange is up to a policy (like in Cyprus, PEPPOL for public entities)Question from participant
Which identifier is most suitable for identification of an organisation in the eDelivery network?It depends on several factors - is there common identification system in place? Some countries use company-number, others VAT-number other use GS1 GLN. The identifier becomes the receives receiver's Identifier in the network.Questions Question from participant
How can an invoice's authenticity be ensured?Technically signatures can be used, but from a business perspective, the buyer should always ensure that goods and services have been supplied in accordance with what is being invoiced. A digital signature alone does not guarantee that the purchase was genuine.Question from participant
