Domibus 4.2.5 (from 4.2.4):

                - Replace the Domibus war

                - Replace the default dss extension jar into "/conf/domibus/extensions/lib"

                - Remove all revoked certificates from /conf/domibus/keystores/dss-tls-truststore.p12

Domibus 4.2.4 (from 4.2.3):

                - Replace the Domibus war

Domibus 4.2.3 (from 4.2.2):

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql-4.2.2-to-4.2.3-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle-4.2.2-to-4.2.3-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war

                - Replace the default plugins property files and jars into "conf/domibus/plugins/config" respectively into "/conf/domibus/plugins/lib"

                - Replace the default dss extension jar and property file into "/conf/domibus/extensions/lib" respectively into "/conf/domibus/extensions/config"

Domibus 4.2.2 (from 4.2.1):

                - [Mysql8 only]

                   - Grant XA_RECOVER_ADMIN privilege to the user:

                        In MySQL 8.0, XA_RECOVER is permitted only to users who have the XA_RECOVER_ADMIN privilege. Prior to MySQL 8.0, any user could execute this and discover the XID values of XA transactions by other users.

                        This privilege requirement prevents users from discovering the XID values for outstanding prepared XA transactions other than their own.

                            - GRANT XA_RECOVER_ADMIN ON *.* TO 'edelivery_user'@'localhost';

                    - Execute below command to flush privileges:

                        When we grant some privileges for a user, running this command will reloads the grant tables in the mysql database enabling the changes to take effect without reloading or restarting mysql service.

                            - FLUSH PRIVILEGES;


                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql-4.2.1-to-4.2.2-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle-4.2.1-to-4.2.2-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war

                - Replace the default plugins property files and jars into "conf/domibus/plugins/config" respectively into "/conf/domibus/plugins/lib"

                - Change the name of 'domibus.ui.resend.action.enabled.received.minutes' property to 'domibus.action.resend.wait.minutes' in file.

Domibus 4.2.1 (from 4.2):

                - [Oracle only]

                   - Grant access to your user to create stored procedures:

                        Open a command line session and log in (edelivery_user and password are the ones assigned during the Oracle installation):

                            $ sqlplus sys as sysdba

                        Once logged in Oracle execute:

                            GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO <edelivery_user>

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql-4.2-to-4.2.1-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle-4.2-to-4.2.1-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war

                - Replace the default plugins property files and jars into "conf/domibus/plugins/config" respectively into "/conf/domibus/plugins/lib"

                - Replace the default dss extention jar into  "/conf/domibus/extensions/lib"

Domibus 4.2 (from 4.1.7):

                Domibus 4.2 supports newer version of application servers and databases. Support for Oracle OpenJDK 11 has been also introduced on top of Oracle JDK 8 which was already supported.

                  It is mandatory to update to one of the below supported servers and databases.

                    Servers: Tomcat 9.x, WildFly 20.0.x, WebLogic

                    Database: MySQL 8, Oracle 12c, Oracle 19c

                  If you are upgrading to a new application server, the JMS messages that are not consumed in the previous server installation must be migrated to the new server installation.

                  It is optional to upgrade to Oracle OpenJDK 11, you can still use Domibus 4.2 with Oracle JDK 8.


                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql-4.1.5-to-4.2-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle-4.1.5-to-4.2-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war

                - Delete the default plugins config files(ws-plugin.xml, jms-plugin.xml and fs-plugin.xml) from "conf/domibus/plugins/config"

                - Replace the default plugins property files and jars into "conf/domibus/plugins/config" respectively into "/conf/domibus/plugins/lib"

                - PMode payload profile maxSize re-enabled: remove the comment about maxSize <payloadProfile name="MessageProfile" maxSize="40894464"> <!-- maxSize is currently ignored -->

                  and replace the value with maxSize="2147483647" in the PMode file

                - Change the name of domibus.ui.csv.max.rows property to domibus.ui.csv.rows.max in file

                - [Tomcat only]

                   - if Oracle database is used, change oracle database configuration property to in

                   - in file "conf/domibus/internal/activemq.xml"

                        - remove properties-ref="domibusProperties" from the line <context:property-placeholder properties-ref="domibusProperties" ignore-resource-not-found="true" ignore-unresolvable="true"/>

                - [Multitenancy only]

                   - run the appropriate DB migration script (mysql-4.1.5-to-4.2-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle-4.1.5-to-4.2-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                   - add the configuration file for the 'default' domain from the distribution

                   - add the configuration file from the distribution

                   - in the domain specific configuration files(eg, replace the names of the domain_name.payload.temp.* properties with domain_name.domibus.payload.temp.*

                   - for the domain specific configuration files, the domain name should start with a letter and it should contain only lower case letters, numbers and underscore.

                   - as the property names in these files need to be prefixed with the domain name, this prefix needs to follow the same rules as the domain name above

                - [Wildfly only]

                   - in standalone-full.xml - search for

                    <managed-executor-service name="quartzExecutorService" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/QuartzExecutorService" context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="0" long-running-tasks="true" core-threads="5" max-threads="25" keepalive-time="5000"/>

                    and replace 'core-threads="5" max-threads="25"' with 'core-threads="100" max-threads="300"'

                    <managed-executor-service name="domibusExecutorService" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/DomibusExecutorService" context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="60000" core-threads="50" max-threads="200" keepalive-time="5000"/>

                    and replace 'core-threads="50" max-threads="200"' with 'core-threads="200" max-threads="500"'

                   - in standalone-full.xml - add

                    <managed-executor-service name="mshExecutorService" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/MshExecutorService" context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="60000" core-threads="100" max-threads="300" keepalive-time="5000"/>

                - [WebLogic only]

                    - execute the WLST API script(from "/conf/domibus/scripts/upgrades") for single server deployment or for cluster deployment

Domibus 4.1.7 (from 4.1.6):

                -  Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

Domibus 4.1.6 (from 4.1.5)

                - Please replace the Domibus war

Domibus 4.1.5 (from 4.1.3)

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.1.3-to-4.1.5-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.1.3-to-4.1.5-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                - In case of Dynamic Discovery where the trust for SMP certificate is established only by issuer certificate, now the whole chain must be imported in to the truststore

Domibus 4.1.3 (from 4.1.2):

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                - [Tomcat only]

                    o in file "conf\domibus\internal\activemq.xml":

                        - remove the attribute rmiServerPort="${activeMQ.rmiServerPort}" from the managementContext element

                    o in file "\conf\domibus\":

                        - remove the property "activeMQ.rmiServerPort"

                        - update the JMX URL property to "activeMQ.JMXURL=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://${}:${activeMQ.connectorPort}/jmxrmi"

Domibus 4.1.2 (from 4.1.1):

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.1.1-to-4.1.2-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.1.1-to-4.1.2-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                - Replace the current logback.xml file with the newer version optionally keeping the existing configuration

                - In case you are using multitenancy please make the following modifications:

                            - replace old logback.xml with the newer version optionally keeping the existing configuration and uncomment the specific sections for multitenancy

                            - replace each domain-name_logback.xml file with the newer version optionally keeping the existing configuration

                            - add a configuration file of type domain_name-logback.xml for domain 'default' - it's mandatory

                            - for the database general schema run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.1.1-to-4.1.2-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.1.1-to-4.1.2-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                            - for each tenant schema in the database run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.1.1-to-4.1.2-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.1.1-to-4.1.2-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                            - for Oracle database, for each tenant schema in the database, grant privileges to the general schema using oracle10g-4.1.2-multi-tenancy-rights.sql. Please update the schema name before execution.

                - in file "\conf\domibus\plugins\config\ws-plugin.xml" locate the following section and add the following beans:

                    <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">



                            <bean id="loggingFeature" class="org.apache.cxf.ext.logging.LoggingFeature">

                                <property name="sender" ref="wsPluginLoggingSender"/>

                                <property name="limit" value="${domibus.logging.cxf.limit}"/>






                    <!--Message logger configuration-->

                    <bean id="wsPluginLoggingSender" class="eu.domibus.plugin.webService.impl.logging.DomibusWSPluginLoggingEventSender">

                        <property name="printPayload" value="${domibus.logging.payload.print}"/>


Domibus 4.1.1 (from 4.1):

                - Please replace the Domibus war

Domibus 4.1 (from 4.0.2):

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.0.2-to-4.1-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0.2-to-4.1-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                - Replace the current logback.xml file with the newer version optionally keeping the existing configuration

                - In case you are using multitenancy please perform the following modifications:

                            - replace the old logback.xml with the newer version optionally keeping the existing configuration and uncomment the specific sections for multitenancy

                            - replace each domain-name_logback.xml file with the newer version optionally keeping the existing configuration

                            - add a configuration file of type domain_name-logback.xml for domain 'default'

                            - for the database general schema run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.0.2-to-4.1-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0.2-to-4.1-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                            - for each tenant schema in the database run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.0.2-to-4.1-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0.2-to-4.1-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                            - for Oracle database, for each tenant schema in the database, grant privileges to the general schema using oracle10g-4.1-multi-tenancy-rights.sql. Please update the schema name before execution.

                - [WebLogic only]

                   o in case the probe URL is used, the new probe URL is /domibus/services/msh

                   o execute the WLST API script(from "\conf\domibus\scripts\upgrades") for single server deployment or for cluster deployment

                - [Wildfly only]

                   o in case the probe URL is used, the new probe URL is /domibus/services/msh

                   o in file "cef_edelivery_path\domibus\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml":

                        - add the following queues


                            <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:messaging-activemq:3.0">

                                <server name="default">


                                 <address-setting name="jms.queue.DomibusSendLargeMessageQueue" expiry-address="jms.queue.ExpiryQueue" redelivery-delay="1000" max-delivery-attempts="0"/>

                                 <address-setting name="jms.queue.DomibusSplitAndJoinQueue" expiry-address="jms.queue.ExpiryQueue" redelivery-delay="60000" max-delivery-attempts="3"/>

                                 <address-setting name="jms.queue.DomibusPullReceiptQueue" expiry-address="jms.queue.ExpiryQueue" redelivery-delay="1000" max-delivery-attempts="3"/>

                                 <address-setting name="jms.queue.DomibusRetentionMessageQueue" expiry-address="jms.queue.ExpiryQueue" redelivery-delay="10000" max-delivery-attempts="0"/>

                                 <address-setting name="jms.queue.DomibusFSPluginSendQueue" expiry-address="jms.queue.ExpiryQueue" max-delivery-attempts="0"/>


                                <jms-queue name="DomibusSendLargeMessageQueue" entries="java:/jms/domibus.internal.largeMessage.queue java:/jms/queue/DomibusSendLargeMessageQueue" durable="true"/>

                                <jms-queue name="DomibusSplitAndJoinQueue" entries="java:/jms/domibus.internal.splitAndJoin.queue java:/jms/queue/DomibusSplitAndJoinQueue" durable="true"/>

                                <jms-queue name="DomibusPullReceiptQueue" entries="java:/jms/domibus.internal.pull.receipt.queue java:/jms/queue/DomibusPullReceiptQueue" durable="true"/>

                                <jms-queue name="DomibusRetentionMessageQueue" entries="java:/jms/domibus.internal.retentionMessage.queue java:/jms/queue/DomibusRetentionMessageQueue" durable="true"/>

                                <jms-queue name="DomibusFSPluginSendQueue" entries="java:/jms/domibus.fsplugin.send.queue java:/jms/queue/DomibusFSPluginSendQueue" durable="true"/>





               - [Tomcat only]

                    o in file "cef_edelivery_path\domibus\conf\domibus\internal\activemq.xml":

                              - in the destinations section add the following queues:




                                              <queue id="sendLargeMessageQueue" physicalName="domibus.internal.largeMessage.queue"/>

                                              <queue id="splitAndJoinQueue" physicalName="domibus.internal.splitAndJoin.queue"/>

                                              <queue id="retentionMessageQueue" physicalName="domibus.internal.retentionMessage.queue"/>

                                              <queue id="sendPullReceiptQueue" physicalName="domibus.internal.pull.receipt.queue"/>

                                              <queue id="fsPluginSendQueue" physicalName="${fsplugin.send.queue:domibus.fsplugin.send.queue}"/>




                              -  in the redeliveryPolicyEntries section add the following entries:




                                             <redeliveryPolicy queue="domibus.internal.largeMessage.queue" maximumRedeliveries="0"/>

                                             <redeliveryPolicy queue="domibus.internal.splitAndJoin.queue" maximumRedeliveries="3"/>

                                             <redeliveryPolicy queue="domibus.internal.retentionMessage.queue" maximumRedeliveries="0"/>

                                             <redeliveryPolicy queue="domibus.internal.pull.receipt.queue" maximumRedeliveries="3"/>

                                             <redeliveryPolicy queue="${fsplugin.send.queue:domibus.fsplugin.send.queue}" maximumRedeliveries="0"/>




               - (Optional)

                   o rename the property "message.retention.downloaded.max.delete" to "domibus.retentionWorker.message.retention.downloaded.max.delete" in your file. If the property is not defined, do nothing. Default value "50" has not been changed.

                   o rename the property "message.retention.not_downloaded.max.delete" to "domibus.retentionWorker.message.retention.not_downloaded.max.delete" in your file. If the property is not defined, do nothing. Default value "50" has not been changed.

               - [Recommended] Remove domibus.msh.retry.tolerance from, if set. The property is not used anymore.

Domibus 4.0.2 (from 4.0.1):

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

Domibus 4.0.1 (from 4.0.0):

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.0-to-4.0.1-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0-to-4.0.1-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                - In case you are using multitenancy please make the following modifications::

                    - replace old logback.xml with the new version of logback.xml keeping existing packages to be logged and uncomment the proper sections for multitenancy

                    - replace each domain-name_logback.xml file with the newer version and keep existing packages for logging

                    - add a configuration file of type domain_name-logback.xml for domain 'default' - it's mandatory

                    - for the database general schema run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.0-to-4.0.1-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0-to-4.0.1-multi-tenancy-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                    - for each tenant schema in the database run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-4.0-to-4.0.1-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0-to-4.0.1-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                    - for Oracle database, for each tenant schema in the database, grant privileges to the general schema using oracle10g-4.0.1-multi-tenancy-rights.sql. Please update the schema name before execution.

Domibus 4.0 (from 3.3.4):

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-3.3.4-to-4.0-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-3.3.4-to-4.0-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - Replace the Domibus war and the default plugin(s) config file(s), property file(s) and jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config" respectively into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                - The following changes have been implemented in the Default WS Plugin which is not backward compatible. The client of the Default WS Plugin need to take into account the following changes:

                     o replaced SendMessageFault with SubmitMessageFault

                     o replaced DownloadMessageFault with RetrieveMessageFault

                     o replaced PayloadType with LargePayloadType

                     o submitRequest.getBodyload() is no longer available and the payloads section should be used instead

                     o removed deprecated methods sendMessage, downloadMessage, getMessageStatus

                     o MessageInfo->timestamp type was changed from Date to LocalDateTime

                     o Removed Description and Schema fields from PartInfo. These fields are no longer accepted by Domibus backend

                - The backwards compatibility with the Custom Plugins is not maintained. In order to upgrade please follow the steps:

                     o remove the domibus-ext-services-api Maven dependency; the existing services from the domibus-ext-services-api have been moved into the plugin-api module under the same packages.

                       The service classes from the domibus-ext-services-api module have been renamed in order not to be confused with the internal services.

                       Example: AuthenticationService was renamed to AuthenticationExtService

                                AuthenticationException was renamed to AuthenticationExtException


                       The same pattern has been used for the other services and exceptions.

                     o replace the Maven dependency commons-lang with commons-lang3 like below:






                - PEPPOL dynamic discovery was updated to the PEPPOL profile requirements.

                  The value of eb:UserMessage/eb:CollaborationInfo/eb:Service matches now the entire Scheme::ProcessIdentifier construction while

                  the Service@type is not taken into consideration and therefore can take any needed value.

                - [WebLogic only]

                     o  Modify the XA datasource "cipaeDeliveryDs" settings in the WebLogic Console

                        - In the "cipaeDeliveryDs" datasource menu, tab Configuration/Transaction, enable the setting "Set XA Transaction Timeout"

                     o  Modify file "\conf\domibus\":

                         - add the following properties:


                         - execute the WLST API script(from "\conf\domibus\scripts\upgrades") for single server deployment or 3.3(+) for cluster deployment


                - [Tomcat only]

                     Modify file "\conf\domibus\":

                          o add the following properties:


                          o update the following properties:




                          o in file "cef_edelivery_path\domibus\conf\domibus\internal\activemq.xml":

                              - in the destinations section add the following queues:




                                              <queue id="alertMessageQueue"


                                              <queue id="uiReplicationQueue"





                              -  in the redeliveryPolicyEntries section add the following entries:




                                                 <redeliveryPolicy queue="domibus.internal.alert.queue" maximumRedeliveries="0"/>

                                                 <redeliveryPolicy queue="domibus.internal.ui.replication.queue" maximumRedeliveries="1" redeliveryDelay="10000"/>




                              -  in the discardingDLQBrokerPlugin update the dropOnly parameter value as below:

                                            - original:

                                                <discardingDLQBrokerPlugin dropAll="false" dropOnly="domibus.internal.dispatch.queue domibus.internal.pull.queue" reportInterval="10000"/>

                                            -new configuration:

                                                <discardingDLQBrokerPlugin dropAll="false" dropOnly="domibus.internal.dispatch.queue domibus.internal.pull.queue domibus.internal.alert.queue" reportInterval="10000"/>

                 - [Wildfly only]

                     Modify file "\conf\domibus\":

                          o add the following property:


                          o in file "cef_edelivery_path\domibus\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml":

                           - add the following queues in the destination section




                                            <jms-queue name="DomibusAlertMessageQueue">

                                                <entry name="java:/jms/domibus.internal.alert.queue"/>

                                                <entry name="java:/jms/queue/DomibusAlertMessageQueue"/>



                                            <jms-queue name="DomibusUIReplicationQueue">

                                                <entry name="java:/jms/domibus.internal.ui.replication.queue"/>

                                                <entry name="java:/jms/queue/DomibusUIReplicationQueue"/>






                            -  in the address-settings section

                                    o add the following address-setting configurations:




                                               <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusAlertMessageQueue">




                                               <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusUIReplicationQueue">








               - Authentication uses BCryptPasswordEncoder, similar to the UI users.

                 TB_AUTHENTICATION_ENTRY table was restored to defaults, having two users 'admin' and 'user' with default password '123456' encrypted using the new algorithm.

                 Custom users should be recreated using the new functionality in the Domibus Admin Console.

               - [WS-Plugin] Remove from PartInfo the Description and Schema headers from the SOAP messages. These headers were deprecated in ebMS3 and as a result were removed from the WS-Plugin XSD. When received on the MSH side, they are simply ignored.

               - [JMS-Plugin] Description is no longer available as a property of a payload, remove it from the input message.

               - Modify file "\conf\domibus\":

                    o add property domibus.dynamicdiscovery.useDynamicDiscovery=true or false

                    o update all the cron expressions from 0/60 * * * * ? to 0 0/1 * * * ?

                    o delete property domibus.entityManagerFactory.jpaProperty.hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class and replace it by:

                      - [WebLogic only]


                      - [Tomcat only]


                      - [Wildfly only]


                    o [Mysql only]

                       - add property :


                    o [Tomcat only]

                       - add a new property "domibus.database.schema" for defining the database schema and modify the "" and "domibus.datasource.url" properties to re-use it

                           Eg: #MySQL



                    o delete properties

                        - domibus.backend.jmsInQueue

                        - domibus.pmode.dao.implementation

                - Optional changes(only if Domibus is used in multi-tenancy mode):

                    o create a new database schema using the DB script(mysql5innoDb-4.0-multi-tenancy.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-4.0-multi-tenancy.ddl for Oracle)

                    o add the new property "domibus.database.general.schema" in the Database section of "/conf/domibus/" file and configure it with the general schema created in the previous step

                    o [Tomcat only]

                        -  Modify the file "/conf/domibus/":

                           o modify the "" and "domibus.datasource.url" properties and set the default general schema in the URL

                             Eg: #MySQL



                    Please check the Admin Guide for more details how to set up Domibus in multi-tenancy mode

                - (Optional)Security policies were updated and renamed. Change your pMode to use eDeliveryAS4Policy.xml instead of eDeliveryPolicy.xml and eSensPolicy(.v2.0).xml.

                            Replace both eDeliveryPolicy_CA.xml and eSensPolicy.v2.0_CA.xml, by eDeliveryAS4Policy_BST.xml

Domibus 3.3.4 (from 3.3.3):

                 - Run the appropriate DB migration script (mysql5innoDb-3.3.2(+)-to-3.3.4-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-3.3.2(+)-to-3.3.4-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                 - In the file "/conf/domibus/" add the following properties :



                            domibus.pull.request.send.per.job.cycle=1 (Optional default value to 1)


                 - If used, rename the following properties ("." was removed between dynamic and discovery):

                        domibus.dynamic.discovery.client.specification rename to domibus.dynamicdiscovery.client.specification

                        domibus.dynamic.discovery.peppolclient.mode rename to domibus.dynamicdiscovery.peppolclient.mode

                        domibus.dynamic.discovery.oasisclient.regexCertificateSubjectValidation rename to domibus.dynamicdiscovery.oasisclient.regexCertificateSubjectValidation

Domibus 3.3.3 (from 3.3.2):

                - Replace the Domibus war and the plugin(s) jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

Domibus 3.3.2 (from 3.3.1):

                - In the file "\conf\domibus\" add the following properties :

                    o in the security section:

                        domibus.certificate.check.cron=0 0 0/1 * * ?

                        domibus.certificate.revocation.offset=10 (Optional, default is 10)

                - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-3.3.1-to-3.3.2-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-3.3.1-to-3.3.2-migration.ddl for Oracle)

                - In the file "\conf\domibus\logback.xml" at line 22 replace





                - [Wildfly only] In standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml update "max-delivery-attempts" to 0 for

                DomibusPullMessageQueue and DomibusSendMessageQueue:

                        <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusSendMessageQueue">



                        <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusPullMessageQueue">




Domibus 3.3.1 (from 3.3):

               - Replace the Domibus war and the plugin(s) jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

               - In the file "\conf\domibus\" add the following properties :

                    o in the security section:



                        domibus.account.unlock.cron=0 0/1 * * * ?

               - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-3.3-to-3.3.1-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-3.3-to-3.3.1-migration.ddl for Oracle)

Domibus 3.3 (from 3.2.5):

               - Replace the Domibus war and the plugin(s) jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

               - Run the appropriate DB migration script(mysql5innoDb-3.2.5-to-3.3-migration.ddl for MySQL or oracle10g-3.2.5-to-3.3-migration.ddl for Oracle)

               - [ALL Databases]:execute the following SQL snippet after replacing the values for the USER_PASSWORD with the configured passwords in domibus-security.xml(in the "authenticationManagerForAdminConsole" authentication manager)

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER_ROLE (ID_PK, ROLE_NAME) VALUES ('1', 'ROLE_ADMIN');

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER_ROLE (ID_PK, ROLE_NAME) VALUES ('2', 'ROLE_USER');

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER (ID_PK, USER_NAME, USER_PASSWORD, USER_ENABLED) VALUES ('1', 'admin', '$2a$10$5uKS72xK2ArGDgb2CwjYnOzQcOmB7CPxK6fz2MGcDBM9vJ4rUql36', 1);

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER (ID_PK, USER_NAME, USER_PASSWORD, USER_ENABLED) VALUES ('2', 'user', '$2a$10$HApapHvDStTEwjjneMCvxuqUKVyycXZRfXMwjU0rRmaWMsjWQp/Zu', 1);

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER_ROLES (USER_ID, ROLE_ID) VALUES ('1', '1');

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER_ROLES (USER_ID, ROLE_ID) VALUES ('1', '2');

                               INSERT INTO TB_USER_ROLES (USER_ID, ROLE_ID) VALUES ('2', '2');

                - [MySQL only] Execute the command: alter schema `your_domibus_schema_name` default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin;


               - in the location "\conf\domibus" delete the file and copy the logback.xml distributed in the domibus configuration specific to each server

               - in file "\conf\domibus\plugins\config\ws-plugin.xml" locate the following section and add the following interceptors:

                    <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">



                            <ref bean="clearAuthenticationMDCInterceptor"/>



                            <ref bean="clearAuthenticationMDCInterceptor"/>





               - Add the following lines to "\conf\domibus\internal\ehcache.xml"

                    <cache name="dispatchClient"




                        <sizeOfPolicy maxDepthExceededBehavior="abort"/>



               - If not already the case modify the certificate alias from the keystore in order to match the party name of the sender AP


               - The external Spring configuration files(domibus-configuration.xml, domibus-datasources.xml, domibus-plugins.xml, domibus-security.xml, domibus-transactions.xml, persistence.xml) are not used anymore.

                All the properties defined in those files have been externalized in a new property file named "" which is specific to each supported server(Tomcat/WebLogic/WildFly).


                In order to perform the upgrade procedure please copy the file "", distributed in the domibus configuration specific to each server, to "\conf\domibus" and adapt the properties values

                based on the configured properties defined in the old Spring configuration files. After this action is completed the old Spring configuration files

                (domibus-configuration.xml, domibus-datasources.xml, domibus-plugins.xml, domibus-security.xml, domibus-transactions.xml, persistence.xml) can be deleted.


                Please find below the mapping between the old Spring configuration files and the new "" file:

                     - in the file "\conf\domibus\domibus-configuration.xml" all the properties defined in "<util:properties id="domibusProperties">" have been copied such as

                        with the following exception:

                         o rename the property "domibus.certificate.validation.enabled" to "domibus.receiver.certificate.validation.onsending" in your file. If the property is not defined, do nothing. Default value "true" has not been changed.

                         o the value for the property "domibus.msh.retry.tolerance" should be changed to 10800000

                     - in the file "\conf\domibus\domibus-security.xml"

                         o in the "keystorePasswordCallback" section:

                                - "key" mapped to ""

                                - "value" mapped to ""

                                <util:properties id="keystoreProperties">

                         o in the "<util:properties id="keystoreProperties">" section:

                                - "" mapped to ""

                                - "" mapped to ""

                                - "" mapped to ""

                                - "" mapped to ""

                        o in the "<util:properties id="trustStoreProperties">" section:

                                - "" mapped to ""

                                - "" mapped to ""

                                - "" mapped to ""

                     - in file "\conf\domibus\domibus-datasources.xml"

                        o in the "entityManagerFactory" section:

                                - "packagesToScan" mapped to "domibus.entityManagerFactory.packagesToScan"

                                - "jpaProperties" properties are mapped with the following convention: prefix "domibus.entityManagerFactory.jpaProperty." + property name; Eg: "hibernate.dialect" mapped to "domibus.entityManagerFactory.jpaProperty.hibernate.dialect"


                        [Tomcat only]

                        o in the "domibusJMS-XAConnectionFactory" section:

                                - "maxPoolSize" mapped to "com.atomikos.maxPoolSize"

                        o in the "amq:xaConnectionFactory" section:

                                - "brokerURL" mapped to "activeMQ.transportConnector.uri"

                                - "userName" mapped to "activeMQ.username"

                                - "password" mapped to "activeMQ.password"

                        o in the "domibusJDBC-XADataSource" section:

                                - "xaDataSourceClassName" mapped to "domibus.datasource.xa.xaDataSourceClassName"

                                - "minPoolSize" mapped to "domibus.datasource.xa.minPoolSize"

                                - "maxPoolSize" mapped to "domibus.datasource.xa.maxPoolSize"

                                - "testQuery" mapped to "domibus.datasource.xa.testQuery"

                                - "xaProperties" properties are mapped with the following convention: prefix "" + property name; Eg: "user" mapped to "";

                                   Exception to this rule: the property: "serverName" mapped to "domibus.database.serverName"  and "port" mapped to "domibus.database.port"

                        o new properties added:

                                - check the section "#Non-XA Datasource" and adapt the properties based on the used database(MySQL or Oracle)

                - [WebLogic only]

                   o in case the probe URL is used, the new probe URL is /domibus-weblogic/services/msh

                   o modify the following parameters for the queue DomibusSendMessageQueue(jms/domibus.internal.dispatch.queue):

                       - Set "Expiration Policy" to "Discard"

                       - Set "Error Destination" to "None"

                   o execute the WLST API script(from "\conf\domibus\scripts\upgrades") for single server deployment or for cluster deployment

                - [WildFly only]

                    o in file "cef_edelivery_path\domibus\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml":

                     - add the following datasource(MySQL or Oracle) in the datasources section

                        (please adapt the values for host, port, username and password properties according to your database schema):


                         <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:3.0">



                                <!-- MySQL -->

                                <datasource jndi-name="java:/jdbc/cipaeDeliveryNonXADs" pool-name="eDeliveryMysqlNonXADS" enabled="true" use-ccm="true">









                                        <valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLValidConnectionChecker"/>


                                        <exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLExceptionSorter"/>




                                <!-- Oracle -->

                                 <datasource jta="true" jndi-name="java:/jdbc/cipaeDeliveryNonXADs" pool-name="eDeliveryOracleNonXADS" enabled="true" use-ccm="true">









                                        <valid-connection-checker class-name=""/>


                                        <stale-connection-checker class-name=""/>

                                        <exception-sorter class-name=""/>






                     - add the following executor services in the following section:

                            <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:3.0">





                                        <managed-executor-service name="domibusExecutorService" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/DomibusExecutorService" context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="60000" core-threads="5" max-threads="25" keepalive-time="5000"/>



                                        <managed-executor-service name="quartzExecutorService" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/QuartzExecutorService" context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="0" long-running-tasks="true" core-threads="5" max-threads="25" keepalive-time="5000"/>





                            <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:3.0">

                     - add the following queue in the destination section




                                    <jms-queue name="DomibusPullMessageQueue">

                                        <entry name="java:/jms/domibus.internal.pull.queue"/>

                                        <entry name="java:/jms/queue/DomibusPullMessageQueue"/>



                                    <jms-queue name="DomibusNotifyBackendFileSystemQueue">

                                        <entry name="java:/jms/domibus.notification.filesystem"/>

                                        <entry name="java:/jms/queue/DomibusNotifyBackendFileSystemQueue"/>






                     -  in the address-settings section

                             o add the following address-setting configurations:




                                        <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusPullMessageQueue">






                                        <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusNotifyBackendFileSystemQueue">









                             o remove the "dead-letter-address" setting from the "address-setting" configuration of the "jms.queue.DomibusSendMessageQueue";

                               after the modification will be done the "jms.queue.DomibusSendMessageQueue" "address-setting" configuration will look like below:


                                      <address-setting match="jms.queue.DomibusSendMessageQueue">






                - [Tomcat only]

                     o The "\conf\domibus\internal\activemq.xml" file has been considerably modified and has to be replaced.

                       If custom modification have been done(like adding new queues) re-apply these changes into the new version.


                Optional changes


                Please consider the replacement of deprecated operation getMessageStatus() with the newer getStatus() that also returns the newly introduced DOWNLOADED status.


                In Domibus 3.3 the logging framework changed from Commons Logging to SLF4J with Logback. Nevertheless the support in the custom plugins for Commons Logging is still

                supported in order to maintain backward compatibility. Still we strongly recommend to perform the following modification in order to perform the switch from Commons Logging

                to the Domibus custom logger which is based on SLFJ:

                   - in the file pom.xml of the custom plugin maven module:

                       o remove the following dependency:






                       o add the following dependency:





                   - in the custom plugin module source code replace all declarations of the logger:

                       o Before

                          eg: private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BackendWebServiceImpl.class);

                       o Before

                          eg: private static final DomibusLogger LOG = DomibusLoggerFactory.getLogger(BackendWebServiceImpl.class);


                If you are using samples keystores, please update them as the previous ones expired.


Domibus 3.2.5:

               - Run the appropriate DB migration script.

               - Replace the war file and the default plugins: domibus-default-ws-plugin and domibus-default-jms-plugin jar files

Domibus 3.2.4:

               - Replace the war file and the default plugins: domibus-default-ws-plugin and domibus-default-jms-plugin jar files

Domibus 3.2.3:

               - Replace the war file and the default plugins: domibus-default-ws-plugin and domibus-default-jms-plugin jar files

               - In case of Weblogic cluster uncomment and configure the "domibus.deployment.cluster.url" property

                 and uncomment/comment the xml parts as indicated into ws-plugin.xml and domibus-datasources.xml.

Domibus 3.2.2:

               - Replace the war file and the default plugins: domibus-default-ws-plugin and domibus-default-jms-plugin jar files

               - Add the following lines to conf/domibus/internal/ehcache.xml

                             <cache name="lookupInfo"





               - To use the Dynamic Discovery copy conf/domibus/policies/eDeliveryPolicy_CA.xml to conf/domibus/policies


Domibus 3.2.1:

               - [WebLogic only]

                  o execute the WLST API script(from "\conf\domibus\scripts\upgrades") for single server deployment or for cluster deployment

                  o In the WebLogic console, in the page "Home >Summary of Security Realms >myrealm",  enable the flag "Use Authorization Providers to Protect JMX Access" flag; for more info please check the Administration Guide

                  o In the WebLogic console, in the page "Home >Summary of JDBC Data Sources >cipaeDeliveryDs", tab "Configuration/Connection Pool/Advanced"

                    enable the "Test Connections On Reserve" flag and add "SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" in the "Test Table Name"

               - Replace the war file


Domibus 3.2 (from 3.1.1):

                Run the appropriate DB migration script.

                Update the configuration file following these steps:

                -  in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config\ws-plugin.xml":

                        o   replace

                               <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">






                              <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">



                                          <entry key="schema-validation-enabled" value="true"/>

                                          <entry key="mtom-enabled" value="false"/>










                                            <ref bean="customAuthenticationInterceptor"/>




                -  in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\internal\ehcache.xml":

                        o   add <cache name="certValidationByAlias" maxBytesLocalHeap="5m" timeToLiveSeconds="3600" overflowToDisk="false"/>

                        o   add <cache name="crlByCert" maxBytesLocalHeap="5m" timeToLiveSeconds="3600" overflowToDisk="false"/>

                -  in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\domibus-configuration.xml":

                        o   replace class="eu.domibus.common.dao.CachingPModeProvider"/> by class="eu.domibus.ebms3.common.dao.CachingPModeProvider"/> or by class="eu.domibus.common.dao.PModeDao"/> if you are using Oracle DB

                        o   add <prop key="domibus.certificate.validation.enabled">true</prop>

                        o   add <prop key="domibus.jms.internalQueue.expression">.*domibus\.(internal|DLQ|backend\.jms|notification\.jms|notification\.webservice|notification\.kerkovi).*</prop>

                        o   only for Tomcat users: add <prop key="activeMQ.JMXURL">service:jmx:rmi://localhost:1198/jndi/rmi://localhost:1199/jmxrmi</prop>

                -  in file conf/domibus/domibus-security.xml

                        o   replace all from the comment

                                 <!-- Administration GUI user credentials-->



                                <!-- Administration GUI user credentials-->

                                 <bean name="bcryptEncoder"



                                     <sec:authentication-provider ref="allowAllAuthenticationProvider"/>


                                 <sec:authentication-manager id="authenticationManagerForAdminConsole">


                                         <sec:password-encoder ref="bcryptEncoder"/>


                                             <sec:user name="user" password="$2a$10$HApapHvDStTEwjjneMCvxuqUKVyycXZRfXMwjU0rRmaWMsjWQp/Zu"


                                             <sec:user name="admin" password="$2a$10$5uKS72xK2ArGDgb2CwjYnOzQcOmB7CPxK6fz2MGcDBM9vJ4rUql36"

                                                       authorities="ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN"/>




                                 <sec:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled"/>


                -  [Tomcat only] in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\domibus-datasources.xml":

                        o   replace  <amq:xaConnectionFactory id="xaJmsConnectionFactory" brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61616" userName="domibus" password="changeit"/>    with


                                <amq:xaConnectionFactory id="xaJmsConnectionFactory"


                                                 userName="domibus" password="changeit">

                                    <!-- do not remove this! otherwise the redeliveryPolicy configured in activemq.xml will be ignored -->






                - [Tomcat only] in file conf/domibus/persistence.xml, add to the <persistence-unit> tag:



                If you are using samples keystores, please update them since they are expiring on the 26th of October 2016.


Domibus 3.2 (from RC1):

                  Run the appropriate DB migration script.

                  Replace domibus.war and the plugin(s) jar(s) into \domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                  Update the configuration file following these steps:

                  -   in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config\ws-plugin.xml":

                          o   remove <bean id="defaultTransformer" class="eu.domibus.plugin.webService.impl.StubDtoTransformer"/>

                          o   replace

                               <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">






                              <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">



                                          <entry key="schema-validation-enabled" value="true"/>

                                          <entry key="mtom-enabled" value="false"/>











                                            <ref bean="customAuthenticationInterceptor"/>




                  -  in file conf/domibus/internal/ehcache.xml, add

                                            <cache name="crlByCert"





                -  in file conf/domibus/domibus-security.xml

                        o   replace all from the comment

                                 <!-- Administration GUI user credentials-->



                                <!-- Administration GUI user credentials-->

                                 <bean name="bcryptEncoder"



                                     <sec:authentication-provider ref="allowAllAuthenticationProvider"/>


                                 <sec:authentication-manager id="authenticationManagerForAdminConsole">


                                         <sec:password-encoder ref="bcryptEncoder"/>


                                             <sec:user name="user" password="$2a$10$HApapHvDStTEwjjneMCvxuqUKVyycXZRfXMwjU0rRmaWMsjWQp/Zu"


                                             <sec:user name="admin" password="$2a$10$5uKS72xK2ArGDgb2CwjYnOzQcOmB7CPxK6fz2MGcDBM9vJ4rUql36"

                                                       authorities="ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN"/>




                                 <sec:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled"/>


                  - [Tomcat only] in file conf/domibus/persistence.xml, add to the <persistence-unit> tag:



Domibus 3.2 RC1:   Run the appropriate DB migration script.

                    Replace domibus.war and the plugin(s) jar(s) into \domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib"

                    For Tomcat installations only, the activemq.xml file has to be replaced and re-configured according to your environment (transportConnector uri, authenticationUser, redeliveryPolicy).

                    Update the configuration file following these steps:

                    -   in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\config\ws-plugin.xml":

                            o   add <bean id="defaultTransformer" class="eu.domibus.plugin.webService.impl.StubDtoTransformer"/> (as an element in the node beans)

                            o   replace

                                 <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">






                                <jaxws:endpoint id="backendInterfaceEndpoint" implementor="#backendWebservice" address="/backend">



                                        <entry key="schema-validation-enabled" value="true"/>

                                        <entry key="mtom-enabled" value="true"/>












                    -   in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\internal\ehcache.xml":

                            o   add <cache name="certValidationByAlias" maxBytesLocalHeap="5m" timeToLiveSeconds="3600" overflowToDisk="false"/>

                    -   in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\domibus-configuration.xml":

                            o   replace class="eu.domibus.common.dao.CachingPModeProvider"/> by class="eu.domibus.ebms3.common.dao.CachingPModeProvider"/> or by class="eu.domibus.common.dao.PModeDao"/> if you are using Oracle DB

                            o   add <prop key="domibus.certificate.validation.enabled">true</prop>

                            o   add <prop key="domibus.jms.internalQueue.expression">.*domibus\.(internal|DLQ|backend\.jms|notification\.jms|notification\.webservice|notification\.kerkovi).*</prop>

                            o   only for Tomcat users: add <prop key="activeMQ.JMXURL">service:jmx:rmi://localhost:1198/jndi/rmi://localhost:1199/jmxrmi</prop>

                    -   only for Tomcat users: in file "\domibus\conf\domibus\domibus-datasources.xml":

                            o   replace  <amq:xaConnectionFactory id="xaJmsConnectionFactory" brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61616" userName="domibus" password="changeit"/>    with


                                    <amq:xaConnectionFactory id="xaJmsConnectionFactory"


                                                     userName="domibus" password="changeit">

                                        <!-- do not remove this! otherwise the redeliveryPolicy configured in activemq.xml will be ignored -->






                    If you are using samples keystores, please update them since they are expiring on the 26th of October 2016.


Domibus 3.1.1:      Replace the war. This release updated the type of one column for the MySQL db. Please run the migration script.


Domibus 3.1.0:      Re-install the domibus-security.xml and re-configure the properties according with the installed Truststore and Keystore.

                    For Tomcat installations only, the activemq.xml has to be re-installed and re-configured and the domibus-ActiveMQ-ThroughputLimiter jar can be deleted.

                    There have been some changes to the database, please use the new scripts.

                    Run the migration script if you are upgrading from 3.0 to 3.1


Domibus 3.1 RC2:   Replace the war and jar(plugins) files. There have been some changes to the MessageFilter, please use a clean database.


Domibus 3.1 RC1:   Domibus 3.1 is a major release that has to be installed from scratch.

                    There have been some changes to the database, please use the new script.

                    There is a new PMode generation plugin available (BETA-3), use this to regenerate your PMode files


Domibus 3.0 BETA-2: Replace the war file.


Domibus 3.0 BETA-1: Domibus 3.0 is a major release that has to be installed from scratch. There is no available upgrade path.
