
2.1. Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary

The EB Information Model is based on the ISA2 SEMIC Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV) v2.0. The CCCEV is designed to support the exchange of information between organisations defining requirements and organisations responding to these requirements by means of evidence types. The OOTS generic metadata model adopts the CCCEV and this specification describes the Application Profile for the EB. 

The CCCEV contains two basic and complementary core concepts:

  • The Requirement, which is used as the basis for making a judgment or decision, e.g. a requirement set in a public tender or a condition that has to be fulfilled for a public service to be executed;
  • The Evidence Type, which proves that something else exists or is true. In particular, an evidence is used to prove that a specific requirement is met by someone or by something.

Information Model of the EB

2.2. Requirement Model

One of the central concepts of the Evidence Broker is the ‘Requirement’. It is a condition or prerequisite that someone requests and someone else has to meet.

The requirement is realised by three concrete types of requirements: The Information Requirement, the Criterion and the Constraint.

  • The Information Requirement is to be seen as a request for data that proves one or more facts of the real world, or that leads to the source of such a proof.
  • The Criterion is to be seen as a condition that will be evaluated.

  • The Constraint is a limitation imposed on any type of requirement or on an element defined inside a requirement.


ISA2 SEMIC The Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV). 

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