Package eu.europa.esig.dss.policy.jaxb

package eu.europa.esig.dss.policy.jaxb
  • Class
    Java class for Algo complex type.
    Java class for AlgoExpirationDate complex type.
    Group of common checks for any kind of signed token (signature, timestamp or revocation data)
    Group of checks related to a certificate
    Root element for the DSS validation policy : that allows customization of the validation process : add/remove checks and set its criticality.
    ASiC specific constraints
    Group of constraints related to cryptographic usage
    Group of checks related to Trusted Lists
    Group of constraints on the evidence record
    Integer value check : follows the specified level behavior when the checked element is compliant with the defined constraint value
    Java class for level.
    Boolean check : follows the specified level behavior in case of failure
    Java class for ListAlgo complex type.
    Java class for Model.
    Boolean check : follows the specified validation model
    Multi-values check : follows the specified level behavior if the checked element is not present in the list.
    This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the eu.europa.esig.dss.policy.jaxb package.
    A group of constraints used for a PDF document validation against a PDF/A specification.
    Group of constraints on the revocation data
    Group of constraints for the signature(s) (signed/unsigned properties, coverage,...)
    Group of constraints on the signed attributes/properties
    Time based check : follows the specified level behavior if the checked element is over the time limit
    Group of constraints on the timestamps
    Java class for TimeUnit.
    Group of constraints on the unsigned attributes/properties
    Value check : follows the specified level behavior if the checked element is not equals to the specified value