Class PAdESExtensionService


public class PAdESExtensionService extends Object
The service is used to obtain a validation data for signatures/timestamps within a PDF file and incorporate it on the LT-level of the document (create a DSS dictionary revision)
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • incorporateValidationData

      public DSSDocument incorporateValidationData(DSSDocument document)
      This method adds a DSS dictionary revision to the given document without password-protection with the required validation data if needed and no VRI dictionary created. NOTE: This method does not check the validity of the provided signatures/timestamps (e.g. a T-level, ...)
      document - DSSDocument to extend
      DSSDocument extended document
    • incorporateValidationData

      public DSSDocument incorporateValidationData(DSSDocument document, char[] passwordProtection)
      This method adds a DSS dictionary revision to the given document protected by a passwordProtection with the required validation data if needed, without VRI dictionary created. NOTE: This method does not check the validity of the provided signatures/timestamps (e.g. a T-level, ...)
      document - DSSDocument to extend
      passwordProtection - a password protection for the PDF document, when required
      DSSDocument extended document
    • incorporateValidationData

      public DSSDocument incorporateValidationData(DSSDocument document, char[] passwordProtection, boolean includeVRIDict)
      This method adds a DSS dictionary revision to the given document protected by a passwordProtection with the required validation data if needed, and a VRI dictionary is defined. NOTE: This method does not check the validity of the provided signatures/timestamps (e.g. a T-level, ...)
      document - DSSDocument to extend
      passwordProtection - a password protection for the PDF document, when required
      includeVRIDict - defines whether VRI dictionary should be included to the created DSS dictionary (when applicable)
      DSSDocument extended document