Class CAdESSignatureParameters

All Implemented Interfaces:
SerializableSignatureParameters, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ASiCWithCAdESSignatureParameters, CAdESCounterSignatureParameters, PAdESSignatureParameters

public class CAdESSignatureParameters extends AbstractSignatureParameters<CAdESTimestampParameters>
Defines SignatureParameters to deal with CAdES signature creation/extension
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CAdESSignatureParameters

      public CAdESSignatureParameters()
      Default constructor instantiating object with null values
  • Method Details

    • isEn319122

      public boolean isEn319122()
      Returns if the signature shall be created according to ETSI EN 319 122
      TRUE if the signature shall be created according to ETSI EN 319 122, otherwise as an old format
    • setEn319122

      public void setEn319122(boolean en319122)
      Sets if the signature shall be created according to ETSI EN 319 122, otherwise will be created with respect to the old standard Default: true
      en319122 - if the signature shall be created according to ETSI EN 319 122
    • getContentHintsType

      public String getContentHintsType()
      Gets content hints type
    • setContentHintsType

      public void setContentHintsType(String contentHintsType)
      Sets content hints type
      contentHintsType - String
    • getContentHintsDescription

      public String getContentHintsDescription()
      Gets content hints description
    • setContentHintsDescription

      public void setContentHintsDescription(String contentHintsDescription)
      Sets content hints description
      contentHintsDescription - String
    • getContentIdentifierSuffix

      public String getContentIdentifierSuffix()
      ETSI TS 101 733 V2.2.1 (2013-04) 5.10.2 content-identifier Attribute The content-identifier attribute provides an identifier for the signed content, for use when a reference may be later required to that content; for example, in the content-reference attribute in other signed data sent later. The content-identifier shall be a signed attribute. content-identifier attribute type values for the ES have an ASN.1 type ContentIdentifier, as defined in ESS (RFC 2634 [5]). The minimal content-identifier attribute should contain a concatenation of user-specific identification information (such as a user name or public keying material identification information), a GeneralizedTime string, and a random number.
    • setContentIdentifierSuffix

      public void setContentIdentifierSuffix(String contentIdentifierSuffix)
      Sets content identifier suffix. NOTE: THIS VALUE WILL BE SET AUTOMATICALLY IF LEFT BLANK
      contentIdentifierSuffix - String
      See Also:
    • getContentIdentifierPrefix

      public String getContentIdentifierPrefix()
      ETSI TS 101 733 V2.2.1 (2013-04) 5.10.2 content-identifier Attribute The content-identifier attribute provides an identifier for the signed content, for use when a reference may be later required to that content; for example, in the content-reference attribute in other signed data sent later. The content-identifier shall be a signed attribute. content-identifier attribute type values for the ES have an ASN.1 type ContentIdentifier, as defined in ESS (RFC 2634 [5]). The minimal content-identifier attribute should contain a concatenation of user-specific identification information (such as a user name or public keying material identification information), a GeneralizedTime string, and a random number.
    • setContentIdentifierPrefix

      public void setContentIdentifierPrefix(String contentIdentifierPrefix)
      Sets content identifier prefix
      contentIdentifierPrefix - String
      See Also:
    • getContentTimestampParameters

      public CAdESTimestampParameters getContentTimestampParameters()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters
      Get the parameters for content timestamp (Baseline-B)
      getContentTimestampParameters in class AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters<CAdESTimestampParameters>
      the parameters to produce a content timestamp
    • getSignatureTimestampParameters

      public CAdESTimestampParameters getSignatureTimestampParameters()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters
      Get the parameters for signature timestamp (Baseline-T)
      getSignatureTimestampParameters in class AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters<CAdESTimestampParameters>
      the parameters to produce a signature timestamp
    • getArchiveTimestampParameters

      public CAdESTimestampParameters getArchiveTimestampParameters()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters
      Get the parameters for archive timestamp (Baseline-LTA)
      getArchiveTimestampParameters in class AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters<CAdESTimestampParameters>
      the parameters to produce an archive timestamp