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ECFIN/R4/2010/025 - pre-information notice for low-value contract

Pre-information notice for low value contracts - contract for the development of a series of videos.

The Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN)  is planning to award a contract for the development of a series of videos. The maximum budget for this contract will be €60,000.

The contractor will need to create a maximum of six video productions over a maximum period of eighteen months. Each video production will be based around an event organised by DG ECFIN (for instance a conference) or any other activity of relevance to DG ECFIN, the euro, or Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

Each video production will include taxi-based interviews and other footage filmed around the event. The style of the interviews will need to be informal, natural, and personal, showing the people’s human face and demonstrating that the issues are close to the citizens' everyday lives.

DG ECFIN intends to invite potential candidates and send them the tender specifcations during the month of November 2010. If you would like to be considered for this contract, please contact DG ECFIN via the functional mailbox  before 19 November 2010.

This invitiation is in no way binding on the European Commission. The Commission's contractual obligation commences only upon signature of the contract with the successful candidate. Up to the point of signature, DG ECFIN may either abondon the procurement or cancel the award procedure, without the candidates being entitled to claim any compensation. Candidates will be notified.

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