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Prior information notice for FELLOWSHIP-INITIATIVE 2014-2015 - Reference ECFIN 2014 004/B

Prior information notice* for FELLOWSHIP-INITIATIVE 2014-2015  "Forward to a New Normal: Growth, integration and structural convergence revisited" Reference ECFIN 2014 004/B

Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) intends to award up to 15 contracts for "Research Fellowships" (each for a maximum amount of 15 000 EUR) to academics/researchers covering specific topics on the general themes outlined below.

In particular, we are seeking to establish a discursive interaction process between the group of fellows and ECFIN staff. 

DG ECFIN plans the publication of the related tender specifications, including detailed information regarding the submission of offers, in the coming weeks at this website.

Interested parties are invited to regularly check this webpage since this will be the only means of publishing the definitive tender specifications.

 Each fellowship comprises the following services:
(i) provision of consultancy services in the form of regular interaction and discussions with DG ECFIN staff, including taking part in meetings in Brussels;
(ii) preparation of an essay/study/lecture notes on a proposed subject outline taken from the themes and (non-exhaustive) list of topics described below;
(iii) presentation of the essay/study/lecture notes in a conference or similar event.

In the provision of their services, the Fellows will of course retain complete academic independence and freedom of expression of opinions.

List of possible subjects identified so far for the "Research Fellowships - Forward to a New Normal:
Growth, integration and structural convergence revisited":

Theme I: Medium-term growth perspectives

Issues to be addressed under this theme could include:

  • From crisis to secular stagnation? A critical review of demand and supply side narratives.
  • Trade and investment set against environmental and social issues? Safeguarding a coordinated framework for global growth.
  • Patterns and drivers of productivity growth within and across EU Member States
  • (New) strategies for structural reforms: design, coordination and demand management.
  • New manufacturing around the corner? Longer-term challenges for European manufacturing and the role of industrial policies.

Theme II: The architecture of financial systems

Issues to be addressed under this theme could include:

  • Depressurising the balloon in time: the withdrawal of extraordinary policy stimulus.
  • The risk-free asset and the safe interest rate: price formation on financial markets and the transmission of monetary policy.
  • Strategies to erode the mountains of public and private debt: a critical reassessment.
  • Banking union and beyond: improving the mechanisms for private risk sharing and allocation of capital in EMU.
  • Finance for investment and growth

Theme III: European convergence and integration mechanisms

Issues to be addressed under this theme could include:

  • Centralisation versus re-nationalisation of economic policies in the EU: where did we go too far and where not far enough?
  • United in diversity? How much and what kind of structural convergence is needed in the Euro Area?
  • Fulfilling the minimum requirements for a functioning of EMU? The fiscal compact, fiscal integration and financial market discipline.
  • Structural convergence versus systems competition: the case of taxation, social policies and factor mobility in EMU.
  • Of rich and poor: macro-implications of the trends in income and wealth distribution.
  • Political economy of EMU: rebuilding trust and popular support for economic integration.
  • Assessing the democratic "credentials" of the new economic governance in the EU.

Address from which further information may be obtained

Candidates are reminded that at this stage no details on the tender specifications can be communicated

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of Directorate ECFIN/B

This notice is in no way binding on the European Commission. The Commission's contractual obligation commences only upon signature of the contract with the successful candidate(s). Up to the point of signature, the contracting authority (DG ECFIN) may either abandon the procurement or cancel the award procedure, without the candidates being entitled to claim any compensation. Candidates will be notified of such a decision.

* Following the provisions for calls for tenders - low value contracts

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