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DG ECFIN's 5th Annual Research Conference

Boosting growth and productivity in an open Europe: The role of international flows of goods, services, capital and labour

Ref: ECFIN/A/2008/009


DG ECFIN's 5th Annual Research Conference on:
Boosting growth and productivity in an open Europe:
The role of international flows of goods, services, capital and labour

Brussels, October 16-17, 2008.

Submission deadline: April 30, 2008

The Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) of the European Commission is organising its fifth Annual Research Conference, which is scheduled to take place in October 2008 in Brussels. The topic for the conference is Boosting growth and productivity in an open Europe: The role of international flows of goods, services, capital and labour?

Economic growth has been in the focus of economists for centuries. While foreign trade flows have always been seen as a major determinant of growth, recently globalisation and enhanced European integration (including EMU) have impacted on the size and direction of international flows, not only of goods but also of services, capital and labour. Recent research on the first ten years of EMU has touched upon these issues with a focus on the euro area. This conference intends to add insights from state-of-the-art research on the role of international flows of capital, labour, goods and services. This includes a micro- and a macro-perspective and a broad geographical coverage (e.g. recently acceded Member States). The key questions are: "How do international flows affect European growth and productivity?" and "Are there policy options to enhance economic growth by affecting international flows?"

The conference will have six main sessions:
1. The international dimension of economic growth. Where do we stand?
2. Openness and growth: Foreign trade in goods and services
3. International sources of productivity growth
4. International labour flows and economic growth
5. International capital flows and economic growth
6. European experiences, enlargement and economic growth

Keynote speakers:

The conference will include keynote speakers and a panel discussion. The confirmed keynote speakers are Eric Bartelsman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Erik Berglöf (EBRD), Tito Boeri (IGIER, Università Bocconi), Richard Freeman (Harvard University), Philip Lane (Trinity College Dublin), and Bart van Ark (The Conference Board and University of Groningen). Each of the keynote speakers will open a conference session.

Location and time:

The conference will take place in Brussels, Belgium on October 16-17, 2008.

Submission information and selection of papers:

DG ECFIN invites submissions of empirical, policy-oriented, and theoretical research papers (papers or detailed outlines) related to the topics outlined above. English textmsw8(40 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Deadline for submission: 30 April 2008

Interested researchers should submit their papers or paper outlines electronically to the functional mailbox for this event by April 30, 2008 (Wednesday).

Selection criteria:

A selection committee will be set up to evaluate submissions. Papers are to be selected on the basis of the following criteria: Submissions should demonstrate truly original work, be of high quality and of relevance to the conference themes. In addition, they should have the potential to form the basis of a fruitful exchange among the participants at the conference. Authors will be informed about acceptance or non-acceptance in due time.

Further information:

Authors will be required to send electronically a full draft of the paper by 15 September 2008, present it at the conference on 16-17 October, 2008, and send in a final version of the paper by 30 November 2008.

A set fee of 3,000 € will be paid for each paper irrespective of whether they are authored or co-authored. In addition, the Commission will cover travel and accommodation (hotel and breakfast) costs incurred while attending the conference in Brussels, and will provide a daily allowance in line with the contract provisions. All payments will be made in accordance with the conditions of the service contract. English textpdf(207 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

It is intended to publish the papers presented at the conference.

For further information please contact the conference organisers Lars Jonung or Oliver Dieckmann.

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