Europa Component Library


File component is used to show info about the file that can be downloaded or how are displayed multimedia files (image and video).

Default file download

Default implementation of the file download component.

File download with translations

Displays the download file available in several languages.

Displays the links for a download page.

Image file

Displays the file image.

Video file

Displays the file video (in an iframe or video tag). It is recommended to use the ratio utility to enforce correct display.

  Common parameters:
    - "variant" (string): can be 'translations', 'links', 'images', 'videos' or empty
    - "extra_classes" (string): extra CSS classes to be added
    - "extra_attributes" (array): extra attributes classes (optional, format: [{ 'name': 'name_of_the_attribute', 'value': 'value_of_the_attribute'}])

  Default parameters:
    - "title" (string): title of the file (default: empty)
    - "language" (string): language of the file (default: empty)
    - "meta" (string): additional information concerning the file: size, type, number of page (default: empty)
    - "button_label" (string): label of the download button (default: "Download")
    - "icon" (string): icon corresponding to the file type. Should be one of ecl-icons (default: empty)

  Translations variant parameters:
    - "title" (string): title of the file (default: empty)
    - "language" (string): language of the file (default: empty)
    - "meta" (string): additional information concerning the file: size, type, number of page (default: empty)
    - "button_label" (string): label of the download button (default: "Download")
    - "icon" (string): icon corresponding to the file type. Should be one of ecl-icons (default: empty)
    - "translations" (array) [{
      - "title" (string): title of the translated file (default: empty)
      - "meta" (string): additional information concerning the translated file: size, type, number of page (default: empty)
    - "translations_label" (string): global label for translations area. Shoud display number of translations (default: "Available languages: 0")
    - "translations_tooltip" (string): tooltip when hovering global label (default: "Click to see translations")

  Links variant parameters:
    - "links" (array): [{
      - "title" (string): title of the link (default: empty)
      - "icon" (string): icon corresponding to the file type. Should be one of ecl-icons (default: empty)
      - "href" (string): target of the link (default: empty)
      - "is_external" (boolean): is the link an external link or not (default: false)
      - "type" (string): (optional) extension of the file (default: empty)

  Images variant parameters:
    - "src" (string): source of the image (default: empty)
    - "alt" (string): alternative text for the image (default: empty)
    - "caption" (string): description of the image (default: empty)

  Videos variant parameters:
    - "src" (string): source of the video (default: empty)
    - "caption" (string): description of the video (default: empty)
    - "is_iframe" (boolean): video is displayed in an iframe or not (default: false)
    - "ratio" (string): ratio of the video. Should be one of ecl-ratio. Format: '16-9' (default: empty)

{# Internal properties #}

{% set _button_label = button_label|default('Download') %}
{% set _translations_label = translations_label|default('Available languages: 0') %}
{% set _translations_tooltip = translations_tooltip|default('Click to see translations') %}
{% set _css_class = 'ecl-file' %}
{% set _extra_attributes = '' %}

{# Internal logic - Process properties #}

{% if variant is not empty %}
  {% set _css_class = _css_class ~ ' ecl-file--' ~ variant %}
{% endif %}

{% if extra_classes is defined %}
  {% set _css_class = _css_class ~ ' ' ~ extra_classes %}
{% endif %}

{% if extra_attributes is defined %}
  {% for attr in extra_attributes %}
    {% set _extra_attributes = _extra_attributes ~ ' ' ~ ~ '="' ~ attr.value ~ '"' %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{# Print result #}

{% if variant is defined %}

  {% if variant == "translation" %}

<!-- Translations -->
<section class="{{ _css_class }}"{{ _extra_attributes|raw }}>
  <div class="ecl-file__body">
    <div class="ecl-row">
      <div class=" ecl-col ecl-col-md-8">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--{{ icon }} ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <div class="ecl-file__metadata">
          <div class="ecl-file__title">{{ title }}</div>
          <div class="ecl-file__info">
            <span class="ecl-file__language">{{ language }}</span> ({{ meta }})

      <div class="ecl-col-12 ecl-col-md-4">
        {% include '@ec-europa/ecl-buttons' with {
          'label': _button_label ~ '<span class="ecl-u-sr-only">(' ~ meta ~ ')',
          'is_block': true,
          'extra_classes': 'ecl-file__download',
          'extra_attributes': [{ 'name': 'type', 'value': 'button' }]
        } %}

  <div class="ecl-file__translations">
    {% include '@ec-europa/ecl-buttons' with {
      'label': translations_label,
      'modifier': 'secondary',
      'extra_classes': 'ecl-file__translations-toggle',
      'extra_attributes': [
        { 'name': 'aria-controls', 'value': 'translations-expand' },
        { 'name': 'aria-expanded', 'value': 'true' },
        { 'name': 'id', 'value': 'translations-expand-button' },
        { 'name': 'type', 'value': 'button' },
        { 'name': 'title', 'value': translations_tooltip }
    } %}

    <div aria-hidden="false" aria-labelledby="translations-expand-button" id="translations-expand">
      <ul class="ecl-file__translations-list">
        {% if translations is defined %}
          {% for translation in translations %}
            <li class="ecl-file__translations-item">
              <div class="ecl-file__translations-metadata">
                <span class="ecl-file__translations-title">{{ translation.title }}</span>
                <div class="ecl-file__translations-info">({{ translation.meta }})</div>
              {% include '@ec-europa/ecl-buttons' with {
                'label': _button_label ~ '<span class="ecl-u-sr-only">(' ~ translation.meta ~ ')',
                'modifier': 'secondary',
                'extra_classes': 'ecl-file__translations-download',
                'extra_attributes': [{ 'name': 'type', 'value': 'button' }]
              } %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

  {% elseif variant == "link" %}

<!-- Links -->
<section class="{{ _css_class }}"{{ _extra_attributes|raw }}>
  {% if links is defined %}
    {% for link in links %}
        href="{{ link.href }}"
        class="ecl-link ecl-file__link {% if link.is_external is defined and link.is_external %}ecl-link--external{% endif %}">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--{{ link.icon }} ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <span class="ecl-file__title">{{ link.title }}</span>
        {% if link.type is defined %}
        <span class="ecl-file__type">{{ link.type }}</span>
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}

  {% elseif variant == "image" %}

<!-- Images -->
<section class="{{ _css_class }}"{{ _extra_attributes|raw }}>
  <img class="ecl-file__image" src="{{ src }}" alt="{{ alt }}">
  <div class="ecl-file__caption">{{ caption }}</div>

  {% elseif variant == "video" %}

<!-- Videos -->
<section class="{{ _css_class }}"{{ _extra_attributes|raw }}>
  {% if src is defined %}
    {% if is_iframe is defined and is_iframe %}
  <div {% if ratio is defined %} class="ecl-u-ratio-{{ ratio }}" {% endif %}>
    <iframe class="ecl-file__video" src="{{ src }}" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    {% else %}
  <div {% if ratio is defined %} class="ecl-u-ratio-{{ ratio }}" {% endif %}>
    <video class="ecl-file__video" src="{{ src }}" type="video/mp4" controls="controls"></video>
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
  <div class="ecl-file__caption">{{ caption }}</div>

  {% endif %}

{% else %}

<!-- Default -->
<section class="{{ _css_class }}"{{ _extra_attributes|raw }}>
  <div class="ecl-file__body">
    <div class="ecl-row">
      <div class=" ecl-col ecl-col-md-8">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--{{ icon }} ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <div class="ecl-file__metadata">
          <div class="ecl-file__title">{{ title }}</div>
          <div class="ecl-file__info">
            <span class="ecl-file__language">{{ language }}</span> ({{ meta }})

      <div class="ecl-col-12 ecl-col-md-4">
        {% include '@ec-europa/ecl-buttons' with {
          'label': _button_label ~ '<span class="ecl-u-sr-only">(' ~ meta ~ ')',
          'is_block': true,
          'extra_classes': 'ecl-file__download',
          'extra_attributes': [{ 'name': 'type', 'value': 'button' }]
        } %}

{% endif %}
  "variant": "link",
  "links": [
      "title": "Generic file link",
      "icon": "file",
      "href": "#"
      "title": "Generic external file link",
      "icon": "file",
      "href": "#",
      "is_external": true
      "title": "Link to a .pdf file",
      "icon": "file",
      "href": "#",
      "type": "pdf"
      "title": "Link to a presentation .ppt file",
      "icon": "package",
      "href": "#",
      "type": "ppt"
      "title": "Link to an image .jpg file",
      "icon": "image",
      "href": "#",
      "type": "jpg"
<!-- Links -->
<section class="ecl-file ecl-file--link">
  <a href="#" class="ecl-link ecl-file__link ">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--file ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <span class="ecl-file__title">Generic file link</span>
  <a href="#" class="ecl-link ecl-file__link ecl-link--external">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--file ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <span class="ecl-file__title">Generic external file link</span>
  <a href="#" class="ecl-link ecl-file__link ">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--file ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <span class="ecl-file__title">Link to a .pdf file</span>
                <span class="ecl-file__type">pdf</span>
  <a href="#" class="ecl-link ecl-file__link ">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--package ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <span class="ecl-file__title">Link to a presentation .ppt file</span>
                <span class="ecl-file__type">ppt</span>
  <a href="#" class="ecl-link ecl-file__link ">
        <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--image ecl-file__icon"></span>
        <span class="ecl-file__title">Link to an image .jpg file</span>
                <span class="ecl-file__type">jpg</span>
  • Content:
     * File
     * @define file
    // Default display
    .ecl-file {
      @include ecl-hidden-print();
      margin: 0;
    .ecl-file__body {
      background-color: map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-10');
      padding: map-get($ecl-spacing, 's');
    .ecl-file__icon {
      float: left;
      margin-top: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxxs');
      &::before {
        color: map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-50');
        font-size: map-get($ecl-font-size, 'xxl');
    .ecl-file__title {
      font-weight: bold;
    .ecl-file__info {
      font-size: map-get($ecl-font-size, 'xs');
      margin-top: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxs');
    .ecl-file__language {
      font-weight: bold;
    .ecl-file__download {
      margin: map-get($ecl-font-size, 'xs') auto 0;
      text-align: center;
      &::after {
        @extend %ecl-icon--after;
        @include ecl-icon('download');
        margin-left: 0.8em;
    @include ecl-media-breakpoint-up(md) {
      .ecl-file__download {
        margin-top: 0;
    // With translations
    .ecl-file__translations {
      text-align: right;
    .ecl-file__translations-toggle {
      font-weight: normal;
    .ecl-file__translations-toggle[aria-expanded='false'] {
      &::after {
        @extend %ecl-icon--after;
        @include ecl-icon('down');
        margin-left: 0.8em;
    .ecl-file__translations-toggle[aria-expanded='true'] {
      &::after {
        @extend %ecl-icon--after;
        @include ecl-icon('up');
        margin-left: 0.8em;
    .ecl-file__translations-list {
      list-style: none;
      margin-bottom: 0;
      margin-top: 0;
      text-align: left;
    .ecl-file__translations-item {
      border-top: 1px solid map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-50');
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      padding-bottom: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxs');
      padding-top: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxs');
      &:last-child {
        border-bottom: 1px solid map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-50');
    .ecl-file__translations-metadata {
      flex-grow: 1;
    .ecl-file__translations-title {
      font-size: map-get($ecl-font-size, 's');
      font-weight: bold;
    .ecl-file__translations-info {
      font-size: map-get($ecl-font-size, 'xs');
      margin-top: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxs');
    .ecl-file__translations-download {
      align-self: flex-start;
      font-weight: normal;
      margin-left: -1rem;
      &::after {
        @extend %ecl-icon--after;
        @include ecl-icon('download');
        margin-left: 0.8em;
    @include ecl-media-breakpoint-up(md) {
      .ecl-file__translations-item {
        flex-direction: row;
      .ecl-file__translations-download {
        align-self: flex-end;
        margin-left: 0;
    // Link file
    .ecl-file__link {
      align-items: center;
      border-top: 1px solid map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-15');
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: row;
      padding: map-get($ecl-spacing, 's') 0;
      text-decoration: none;
      &:last-child {
        border-bottom: 1px solid map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-15');
      .ecl-file__title {
        margin-left: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxxs');
        text-decoration: underline;
    /* stylelint-disable-next-line */
    .ecl-file__type {
      border-left: 2px solid map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-50');
      color: map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-100');
      font-weight: bold;
      margin-left: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxxs');
      padding-left: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxxs');
      text-transform: uppercase;
    // Image and video file
    .ecl-file__video {
      height: auto;
      width: 100%;
    .ecl-file__caption {
      background-color: map-get($ecl-colors, 'grey-10');
      display: block;
      font-size: map-get($ecl-font-size, 'xs');
      padding: map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xxs') map-get($ecl-spacing, 'xs');
    /* stylelint-disable */
    [class^='ecl-u-ratio'] iframe.ecl-file__video,
    [class*=' ecl-u-ratio'] iframe.ecl-file__video {
      height: 100%;
      left: 0;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      width: 100%;
  • URL: /components/raw/ecl-files/ecl-files.scss
  • Filesystem Path: framework/components/ecl-files/ecl-files.scss
  • Size: 3.7 KB