This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
How will cinema films be distributed in the future? Three projects selected today in a new EU strategy to circulate European films in the digital era

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How will cinema films be distributed in the future? Three projects selected today in a new EU strategy to circulate European films in the digital era

€ 2 million has been allocated to these projects to test the potential benefits that cross border simultaneous release of films on a wide range of distribution platforms (festivals, cinemas, Video on Demand services, TV channels) could have for European films. In total 13 films will be covered for 80 national releases.

Commissioner Vassiliou says "Internet has profoundly changed the use and means of consumption of cinema films. New models of distribution are increasingly used in the USA. It is essential that the EU film industry also tests them to help European films find their audience in an increasingly competitive market. The whole value chain is represented in the selected projects: from authors and directors to sales agents alongside distributors, cinemas and Video on Demand platforms. This involvement and diversity underlines the ability of Europe's professionals to prepare the future in a constructive and imaginative way."

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Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top