This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Commissioner Vassiliou opens 5th European Heritage Days Forum

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Commissioner Vassiliou opens 5th European Heritage Days Forum

The 5th European Heritage Days Forum takes in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 15-16 October.

The Forum will bring together policy-makers, heritage experts and the national coordinators of the European Heritage Days to discuss how to improve public awareness of Europe's heritage and the need to protect it for future generations. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said: "Our heritage is what links our past, present and future. It is part of our DNA, yet is often taken for granted. Cultural heritage is important for growth and jobs. It represents a significant part of the cultural and creative sectors, which provide jobs for 8.5 million people and contribute up to 4.5% of Europe's GDP. Cultural heritage is at the heart of Europe's appeal as an international tourist destination and key for sustainable development and social cohesion. I believe we must do more to support it through the new Creative Europe programme and the EU structural funds." Commissioner Vassiliou will be among the main speakers at the event, together with Eleni Mavrou, the Cypriot Minister of Interior, and Constantinos Yiorkadjis, Mayor of Nicosia, as well as representatives of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and Europa Nostra. Launched in 1985, the European Heritage Days have been organised since 1999 as a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe. The 50 signatory countries to the European Cultural Convention take part in the European Heritage Days by opening up historic buildings which are normally closed to the public and putting cultural treasures on view. (Contact person: Dennis Abbott: +32 2 295 92 58)
Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top