This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Make a difference: Don't miss out on the EIT

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Make a difference: Don't miss out on the EIT

Commissioner Vassiliou wants more of Europe's brightest students, researchers and entrepreneurs to join forces with the new European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

In a new video message, the Commissioner encourages young people "who want to make a difference" to apply for places on Masters' and PhD courses approved by the EIT.

"If you want to make a difference with your creativity, enthusiasm and knowledge, watch this space, there may be an opportunity for you: don't miss out on the EIT," she declares.

The EIT, which was launched in 2008, operates from sites all over Europe through what are known as "knowledge and innovation communities", or KICs for short. The KICs link top universities, research centres and businesses.

The three first KICs were designated in December 2009, with a start-up grant of €3 million. They aim to address three of the biggest innovation and social challenges faced by Europe and the world today: climate change, sustainable energy and the role of information technologies.


More information: IP/09/1950

EIT website

Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top