This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Commissioner Vassiliou presents EU Prizes for Cultural Heritage 2010 in Istanbul

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Commissioner Vassiliou presents EU Prizes for Cultural Heritage 2010 in Istanbul

Six Grand Prizes were presented last night by European Union Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou to projects and people who have excelled in heritage care in Europe. The ceremony for the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards was staged in the Aya Irini (Topkapi Palace) in Istanbul as part of Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture. The winners are outstanding examples of heritage protection and care in Europe. They were selected from 29 winners of the European prize and received a monetary reward of € 10,000 each.

During the award ceremony, which was attended by more than 600 people, Commissioner Vassiliou and Europa Nostra's Executive President, Denis de Kergolay presented 29 awards to the winning projects and announced the winners of this year's six Grand Prize winners. The selection of the prize winners was made by independent experts from nearly 140 submitted projects stemming from 26 countries. 

The six winners are:

Le Collège des Bernardins, Paris (FRANCE)

The Neues Museum, Berlin (GERMANY)

The Roman Theatre, Cartagena (SPAIN)

The Letters Project, Amsterdam (THE NETHERLANDS)

Nils Vest, Copenhagen (DENMARK)

The Baerwaldbad - Conservation of a Public Bath House through Vocational Training, Berlin (GERMANY)


For more information

 About the 2010 laureates: [photos and descriptions of the 29 winning projects from 15 countries]

About the prize :  

About the European Commission's Culture programme:

Commissioner Vassiliou's website:


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top