This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
15 February 2010 – first meeting with education ministers

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15 February 2010 – first meeting with education ministers

I am getting ready for my first Council meeting of education ministers from the 27 Member States.


The focus will be the role of education and training in the 'Europe 2020' strategy, which sets out guidelines for EU action in the next decade. I expect a lively exchange of views. Together with the Spanish Presidency, I will also inform ministers about feedback on the same issue from academics and policy-makers who took part in a Jean Monnet conference in Madrid on 25 January.


The ministers will also discuss the joint progress report on implementation of the Education & Training 2010 work programme. The aim is to build a ‘knowledge triangle’of education, research and innovation to boost skills, jobs, competitiveness and a fairer society.


I am looking forward to meeting the ministers and to a fruitful co-operation over the years to come.

Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top