This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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30,000 users enjoyed a worry-free summer thanks to ECC-Net: Travel app


A total of 30,000 users downloaded the ECC-Net: Travel app throughout the summer of 2014, which ends today. This means 30,000 holidaymakers, their families and friends had a more enjoyable time abroad thanks to the tool, developed by the EU-funded European Consumer Centres (ECC) and aimed to help people travelling across Europe solve issues they face with service providers.

The app provides handy phrases in 25 European languages which people can use to cope with car rental companies, hotel owners, bus drivers, among others.

The app is aimed to address some of the most common complaints which consumers file with the ECCs. In 2013, people complained the most against travel service providers: air carriers and car rental firms. Complaints in the area of time-share products and package holidays and hotels and restaurants also ranked in the top ten.

To save yourself the hassle when travelling for the weekend, you can download the ECC-Net: Travel app from the following links: