This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Consumer Credit: remember your rights!


Thanks to the European Commission-funded interactive platform for consumer education, consumers can start learning their rights from an early age.

The platform provides high quality teaching resources and interactive tools which would help 12- to 18-year olds obtain valuable knowledge and get practical consumer skills. It also encourages cooperation among students across the European Union through a challenging Interschool Competition.

With costs piling up at the beginning of the new school year, many people are thinking of taking out a consumer credit to meet the need for extra cash. To be on the safe side, before going to your bank, have a look at the list of your most important rights:

  • You have the right to transparent advertising
  • You have the right to receive answers to all your questions before signing a contract
  • You have the right to clear information in the contract
  • You have the right to a 14-day cooling off period once you have signed the contract
  • You have the right to an early repay

To make sure you are a consumer credit expert, you are welcome to quickly take the European Commission's Consumer Credit knowledge test.