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EU Strategy on coastal and maritime tourism

The European Commission adopted today a new strategy to support coastal and maritime tourism in Europe. Commissioner Damanaki together with Commissioner Tajani participated in the meeting of Competitiveness Ministers in the Council. They informed their counterparts on the proposal of a European Strategy for coastal and maritime tourism.

Recognising the sector's potential for sustainable growth and job creation, the strategy outlines 14 EU actions to help coastal regions and businesses tackle the challenges they face and strengthen the sector's position as a key driver of Europe's blue economy. These concrete actions are accompanied by a break-down of the tasks that Member States, Regions and industry stakeholders can undertake to complement the EU actions.

The proposed actions include facilitating closer cooperation and dialogue across Europe between all coastal tourism stakeholders, public-private partnerships, promoting skills and innovation, promoting ecotourism, and creating an online guide to funding opportunities to help drive investment. Member States, regional authorities and the industry will be central to the design and implementation of the actions.

Commissioner Damanaki stated on this occasion: "Coastal and maritime tourism was identified in our 'Blue Growth' strategy as one of the key drivers for creating growth and new jobs, particularly in our coastal areas which often suffer from high unemployment. As the largest maritime economic activity and the economic backbone of many of our coastal regions it is our responsibility to help this sector develop and prosper."

Last update: 10/11/2014 |  Top