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Synergies between Blue and Green growth agenda

The final Environment Council of the Irish Presidency took place in Luxembourg this week. Commissioner Damanaki has joined Environment Ministers and Commissioner Potočnik over lunch to discuss the challenges ahead for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Blue and Green growth share the same objective: safeguarding environment and all living creatures in the framework of achieving good environmental status by 2020. The CFP reform brings radical changes to the way we fish and further protects fish stocks: it directly contributes to achieving good environmental status.

Furthermore, the Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Management proposed by both Commissioner Damanaki and Commissioner Potočnik is aiming at enhancing coordination between neighbour countries and administrations. It also is a key contributor to good environmental achievements.

Blue growth agenda and Green growth agenda are indeed overlapping and compatible, both aiming at enhancing sustainability and clean waters.

Last update: 10/11/2014 |  Top