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Commissioner Damanaki at Seafood Expo 2013

Commissioner Maria Damanaki attended the annual Brussels Seafood Exhibition on 24 April (more pictures). After visiting several Member States' national stands, the Commissioner discussed a number of fisheries issues with Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Ms Liesbeth Berg-Hansen, and attended an event organised by the Norwegian delegation: under the guidance of a renowned local chef, a group of primary school children cooked a seafood-based meal and discussed the health merits of fish. Commissioner Damanaki presented the prizes to the winners at the award ceremony of the Olivier Roellinger Culinary Competition for Sustainable Seafood. At the Expo, Commissioner Damanaki launched the new online European Market Observatory for Fishery and Aquaculture Products.

The Brussels Seafood exhibition, taking place at Heysel on 23-24 April, is the world's largest seafood trade fair and brings together as many as 1.600 exhibitors from over 70 countries.

Last update: 10/11/2014 |  Top