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Challenges and opportunities of maritime and coastal tourism: public consultation launched today

Tourism is undoubtedly an economic backbone of coastal regions. At present about 2.36 million people are employed in the coastal tourism sector, representing 1.1% total EU employment. Cruise tourism alone represents a distinct segment generating direct turnover of € 14.5 billion and nearly 150,000 jobs. At the same time, this sector faces specific challenges, such as seasonality (dependency on the sun and beach tourism), lack of skilled professionals and of innovation culture and growing external competition. What actions can be envisaged to reap the full potential of a sustainable and smart coastal and maritime tourism?

At the joint initiative of Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Vice-president Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, a public consultation is launched today. The results will feed into a comprehensive overview of the recommendations and initiatives which could be sponsored and promoted at European level.

All stakeholders are invited to submit their comments and suggestions by 9 July 2012.

Challenges and Opportunities for Maritime and Coastal Tourism in the EU - Public Consultation

Read more and Comment on Maria Damanaki's blog "Maritime tourism: a European initiative for growth and jobs"

Last update: 10/11/2014 |  Top