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News / Events

European Memories on the Pyrenees border


International​​ MEFROP Seminar in Perpignan, October 9th, 10th and 11th 2014

European Memories on the Pyrenees border: History, heritage, politics and cultural models

Memories of Europe in the Pyrenees border aims to establish a network on different cultural memories to the Franco-Spanish border in
the Eastern Pyrenees and Catalonia

October 9th, 10th and 11th 2014

Université de Perpignan Via Domitia; GIS IPAPIC;
Association Trajectoires; The Exile Memorial
Museum (MUME); University of Barcelona Solidarity
Foundation (FSUB); European Observatory on
Memories (EUROM)


 We will be very grateful if you could come and meet us again next october in Perpignan.

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