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Conference on the Europe for Citizens program in Hungary


Mid October, the Tempus Public Foundation (Tempus Közalapítvány) has organised a conference in Budapest to present the best Europe for Citizens project from the last two years. About 140 participants were welcomed at the conference, an official event of the European Year of Citizens in Hungary.

What can be done against EU-scepticism?

Poster EfC

Success of the Europe for Citizens program in Hungary

Last year nearly one million people took part in the Europe for Citizens program, which supports a wide range of activities and organisations promoting “active European citizenship”, especially the involvement of citizens and civil society organisations in the process of European integration.

Hungary is ranked as the fifth more active country looking at the number of applicants in all EU countries. Between 2007 and 2013 almost 800 Hungarian projects were founded under the Europe for Citizens program.

On the 21th of October the National Contact Point of Hungary has organised a conference with 140 participants in order to give more visibility to the most successful projects carried out in Hungary in the last two years.

12 programs were given the opportunity to present the fruit of their work, activities, and the outcomes; and share best practices with others. Projects from the thematic networks of twinned towns and projects initiated by the civil society organisations were presented, such as the research from the Republikon Institute, which deals with EU-scepticism in a Europe-wide mapping. The theme was discussed by the participants and they agreed that solutions can be found in education and in the cooperation of national and international NGO’s, in mobility, in gaining personal experiences and disseminate good practices. For all these the Europe for Citizens program provides a great opportunity, whether it is an international youth camp, to avoid migration of youth from small villages to big towns, or to strengthen tolerance, and also to discuss possibilities of the use of renewable energies and strategies.

The European Year of Citizens provides a great opportunity to understand the causes of EU scepticism, fight against it and draw the attention to the benefits of EU citizenship and active participation. The conference was an official event of the European Year of Citizenship in Hungary.

More info can be found here.