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Enacting European Citizenship - new research from the Open University


The Open University in the UK has been leading an FP7-funded research project into Enacting European Citizenship.

The Open University in the UK has been leading an FP7-funded research project into Enacting European Citizenship and has come to some highly original results based on using an innovative methodology involving activists and civil society directly in conducting the research, and not limiting the research to 'traditional' forms of citizen participation, or actors who already consider themselves to be 'European' citizens.
European Alternatives has been involved in the research and thinks that it reflects very well the approaches that they have found productive and also the problematics with which they are faced daily in their work promoting active European citizenship. They think the research is highly pertinent in the current European situation and in the context of the European year.
Here is a very short (2 pages) overviewpdf(861 kB) of the project.

The full research results can be found online at the project website

There is also this video in which Prof. Engin Isin (who led the project) explains his approach.