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2014 Work Programme adopted


"Europe for Citizens" :  2014 Work Programme adopted – 31/10/2013. Advance notice : Call for proposals for Operating grants 2014-2017

The Commission has adopted today the Work programme for the implementation of the future "Europe for Citizens" programme 2014-2020 in 2014 :

On that basis, the call for proposals for operating grants will be published on this website in the beginning of November 2013. As a transitory measure to ensure continuity between the current and the future programmes, the call for proposal is to be launched by the Commission. All the following steps will be implemented by the EACEA, once its mandate will be renewed.

Key information on the conditions and criteria are laid out in the Annex of the abovementioned 2014 Work programme (item 2.2.  "Framework partnerships 2014-2017 - Operating grants – Structural support for European public policy research organisations (think tanks) and for civil society organisations at European level").

There will no longer be a call for annual operating grants.

The deadline for submitting proposals will be : 20 December 2013 at 12.00 (midday Brussels time).

Attention is drawn on the fact that both the Work programme and the call for proposals are subject to the following conditions :
(1) the final adoption of the Council regulation establishing the programme,
(2) the adoption of the 2014 Budget, with availability of the relevant appropriations, and
(3) the favourable opinion or lack of objection of the programme Committee.