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FRA and civil society develop strategic framework for cooperation


On 2 October, FRA held a workshop to explore how the Agency and civil society can step up their cooperation to have a greater impact on fundamental rights.

On 2 October, FRA held a workshop to explore how the Agency and civil society can step up their cooperation to have a greater impact on fundamental rights.

The participants discussedpdf the foundations and cornerstones for a new “Strategic Framework for FRA-civil society cooperation”, which will be drafted jointly by the FRA Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) team and its Advisory Panel based on the outcomes of the workshop.

The workshop participants included past and present members of the Advisory Panel, the FRA Director and FRA experts, as well as representatives of the FRA Management Board, FRA Scientific Committee and the European Commission. FRP participants will be invited to give feedback on the document during the first half of November.

During the meeting of the new advisory panel on 3 October, FRA and the panel also agreed on their work planpdf for the coming 18 months, based on the proposals developed during the joint workshop.


Flash report FRA CSO workshoppdf