Megatrends and Projections 2030-2050
A Snapshot

Population Growth 2015-2050

In the majority of today’s EU Member States as well as in the Western Balkans and Europe’s Eastern neighbourhood populations will shrink. Countries to the South and South-East of the Mediterranean will continue to experience demographic growth. By 2050, the UN’s Population Division estimates that Africa’s population will have reached 2.4 billion from 1.2 billion today.

Percentage of population change

chart of the Population Growth

Source: World Population 2015 Wallchart, UN (2015).

World's 20 Largest Economies in 2030

In 2030, while the US will still be the largest economy, it is projected that the economies of individual EU Member States will lag behind today’s emerging economies.

Billion USD

chart of the World's 20 Largest Economies in 2030<

Note: 2020 and 2030 data are projected.

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators.

Middle Class Consumption to 2050

Middle class in the developing world is forecast to expand substantially. The share in global consumption of Asian emerging economies’ middle class alone will grow to over 60% by 2050, dwarfing the US and EU share. This will have considerable implications for environmental sustainability. It could also lead to significant resource constraints, thus putting increased pressure on the consumption models in developed countries.

Share in percentage

chart of Middle Class Consumption evolution

Source: Kharas, H. (2010), The Emerging Middle Class in Developing Countries, OECD.

Mobile Subscriptions

In 2015, the number of mobile subscriptions surpassed the world population. By 2021, the Asia Pacific region will witness the largest increase in smartphone subscriptions globally.

chart of Middle Class Consumption evolution

Source: Statista.

Millions of smartphone subscription

chart of Middle Class Consumption evolution

Source: Ericsson.