Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Analysis, evaluation, impact assessment

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© Bacho Foto / Fotolia

European society and labour markets are changing rapidly. These changes are driven by a range of factors including globalisation, technological developments and population ageing. 

The European Commission provides support for policy-makers by analysing important social and labour market trends. Please see the following sections of this website for further information: Employment and social analysis

Evaluations and impact assessments of policies and funds in the area of employment, social affairs and inclusion ensure that EU policies and laws are prepared in an open, transparent manner, informed by the best available evidence and backed by the comprehensive involvement of stakeholders. This helps to achieve objectives at minimum cost. Further information can be found here: Evaluation and impact assessment 

Publications ordered by the European Commission in the area of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities, including studies supporting evaluations and impact assessments are available on this website through the publications catalogue.

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