Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

14/06/2018 - 15/06/2018 Brussels

European Validation Festival: Unlocking Talents in Europe

The European Commission is organising a stakeholder conference on 14-15 June in Brussels to share practices and exchange ideas and knowledge on validation of informal and non-formal learning.



The event will 

  • provide an open space for discussion and exchange of recent initiatives and projects, 
  • support the aims of the Skills Agenda for Europe and
  • prepare the ground for future European cooperation in the field of validation. 

The first day will feature a marketplace with stands where organisations will have the opportunity to present their initiatives and practices on validation of informal and non-formal learning. Workshop discussions will explore policies and practices.

The second day will open a policy debate on validation in the bigger picture of European policies for employment, education and training, and in particular the Skills Agenda for Europe.

You can tweet or follow the discussions online using the hashtag #EUSkillsValidation. You can also follow day 2 (15 June) via web streaming.

For further information, please contact: EMPL-E2-VALIDATION-FESTIVAL@ec.europa.eu.

Full album on Flickr
14/06/2018- 15/06/2018

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