Zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve in vključevanje

Policy Brief on Informal Entrepreneurship

Policy Brief on Informal Entrepreneurship

This policy brief was produced by the OECD and the European Commission. This policy brief focuses on the informal self-employed and informal entrepreneurs, which together comprise what we define as “informal entrepreneurship”. The policy brief provides estimates of the size of the informal economy and informal entrepreneurship in the EU, investigates its main causes and impacts on the economy, and finally presents a policy framework for formalisation strategies based on the distinction between deterrence, incentives and persuasion measures.

This policy brief is part of a series of documents produced by the OECD and the European Commission on inclusive entre­preneurship. The series includes policy briefs on youth entrepreneurship, senior entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, evaluation of inclusive entrepreneurship programmes, access to business start-up finance for inclusive entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship by the disabled as a well as a report on ‘The Missing Entrepreneurs’. All these documents are available in English, French and German. They are available at

This publication is available in electronic format in EN. FR and DE.

Catalog N. : KE-BE-14-003-EN-N

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