Impjiegi, affarijiet soċjali u inklużjoni

Djalogu soċjali - Videos relatati

Tul ta' ħin:10 / Data: Feb 2012

In Europe, it is estimated that there are 1 million needlestick injuries annually. It is not just medical professionals who are at risk; while nurses working in high-pressure medical situations are identified as being at the highest risk, many other workers are also at risk. To address this problem, a directive was adopted in 2010 after an agreement was signed between the European social partners association, HOSPEEM (the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association) and EPSU (the European Federation of Public Service Unions). The objective of the directive is to achieve the safest possible working environment by preventing injuries to workers caused by all medical sharps (including needles), and protecting workers at risk in the hospital and healthcare sector. The film ‘From needlestick to sharps’ tells the story of this agreement among all the different stakeholders. Behind the main story, the film highlights the added value of social dialogue and its great potential in defining new legislation.

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