Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Slovakia - Material Need Assistance

This section will tell you about who is entitled to receive material need assistance in Slovakia. You will obtain information on what conditions you have to meet to become eligible for benefit and what other allowances you may apply for.

When can I apply for assistance?

The material need assistance is payable to households who are not able to secure basic living conditions and cannot increase their income through their own efforts (i.e. by work, statutory entitlements). One hot meal a day, necessary clothing and dwelling are considered basic living conditions. The benefit amount varies depending on the number of household members.

Material Need Assistance is a tax-financed scheme which provides for the granting of the Material Need Benefit (Dávka v hmotnej núdzi) and specific Allowances (Príspevky).

What conditions do I have to meet?

A resident (or foreigners in specific cases) in Slovakia may apply for material need assistance provided that his/her income (along with jointly assessed individuals) is lower than the subsistence minimum (životné minimum), i.e.:

  • €234.42 per month for one adult person;
  • €163.53 per month for each jointly assessed person;
  • €107.03 per month for a dependent minor child and dependent children in material need.

The household is not considered in material need if its members do not claim all their statutory entitlements. These include, for example, maintenance for children, supplementary maintenance, maintenance for spouses, income replacement during temporary incapacity, sickness insurance benefits, pension insurance benefits, occupational injury insurance benefits, guarantee insurance benefits and unemployment benefits, entitlements arising from labour relations, service pension benefits and repeated state social benefits, except child benefit.

What benefits can I apply for and how should I exercise my rights?

The Material Need Benefit (dávka v hmotnej núdzi) is provided in the following amounts:

  • €74 per month to one person;
  • €140.70 per month to one person with 1 to 4 children;
  • €205.50 per month to one person with more than 4 children;
  • €128.60 per month to two persons without children;
  • €192.40 per month to two persons with 1 to 4 children;
  • €259.40 per month to two persons with more than 4 children.

Other benefits that you may apply for in addition to the benefit in material need include:

  • Activation Allowance (Aktivačný príspevok) – It is aimed to support the acquirement, maintenance, enhancement or increase of knowledge, vocational skills, practical experience, working habits, for the purpose of increasing the opportunities for access to employment. Its granting is conditioned by the applicant's employment or inclusion in the register of unemployed jobseekers, as well as by increasing his/her qualification by studying while on employment and performing minor community work. It amounts to:
  • €151.40 per month for those with an income at least equal to the minimum wage;
  • €75.70 per month for those who are registered in the Job Seekers Register and who follow a back-to-work programme; students who are increasing their qualifications through external study at secondary school or university; those involved in small public services or volunteer work; those in voluntary military service and for students at secondary school or university receiving Parental Allowance (Rodičovský príspevok).
  • Housing Allowance (Príspevok na bývanie): € 63.90 per month (or €101.90 when more persons are assessed jointly). It is preconditioned by regular payments of housing-related costs. Is granted also when applicant is accommodated in certain type of social service facility.
  • Protecting Allowance (Ochranný príspevok) has three levels: €75.70 per month if you have reached retirement age, your disability is more than 70% or you are caring for a child with long-term unfavourable health conditions; €41.60 per month if incapacity for work continues for more than 30 days; €16.20 per month for pregnant women from the 4th month of pregnancy or for single parents caring for a child up to the age of one year.
  • Allowance for a dependent child (Príspevok na nezaopatrené dieťa): €20.70 per month for each child during the period of compulsory education.

Special benefits include:

  • Special Allowance (Osobitný príspevok) granted for 18 months (€126.14 for the first 12 months and €63.07 for next 6 months) to long-term unemployed who are receiving an income at least equal to the minimum wage but not higher than twice the minimum monthly wage.
  • One-off benefit in material need (jednorazová dávka v hmotnej núdzi) serves for the partial reimbursement of the extraordinary expenses of household members.

Special additional assistance not only for households in material need

  • Subsidy to support the education of the child’s dietary habits (Subsidy for food - Dotácie na podporu výchovy k stravovacím návykom dieťaťa) serve to provide for meals at kindergartens or primary schools. Since 1 August 2021, it can be provided to all children who attend the last year of kindergarten and primary school if they live in a household in which nobody has claimed an increased tax bonus (for children from 6 to 15 years) for this child as well as to children who attend kindergarten or primary school if they live in families receiving Material Need Assistance (Pomoc v hmotnej núdzi) or if the average monthly income of their family is below the subsistence minimum. It can also be granted for every child in a kindergarten and primary school if at least 50% of children are from families receiving assistance in material need. Subsidy for food is €1.30 per day during school days when the child attends school and takes lunch.
  • Subsidy to support the education to meet the school responsibilities of a child at risk of social exclusion (Dotácie na podporu výchovy k plneniu školských povinností dieťaťaohrozeného sociálnym vylúčením) are designated for the reimbursement of school materials necessary for the child's education in a kindergarten or primary school. The amount is €33.20 per child for financial year.

As regards subsidies, the applicant is the founder of the education facility, a municipality or a civic association.

Applicants claiming a Material Need Benefit should file a written application to the local Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in the place of their permanent residence.

Jargon busters

Subsistence minimum - A person's income recognized by law, which is considered a necessary minimum for the satisfaction of basic living needs. Income up to the subsistence minimum is exempt from tax.

Required documents

Know your rights

Link to additional information provided by the European Commission:

Who do you need to contact for advice about social security?

Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny)
Department of Assistance in Material Need and State Social Benefits
Špitálska 8, 812 67, Bratislava

Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny)
Unit of Citizen´s Services
Unit of Assistance in Material Need and State Social Benefits

List of Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family

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