Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Poland - Family benefits

This section describes the family benefits to which a family is entitled from the birth of a child to the time when it reaches adulthood.

The benefits described are:

  • Family allowance and supplements (zasiłek rodzinny i dodatki)
  • One-off childbirth grant (jednorazowa zapomoga z tytułu urodzenia się dziecka)
  • Parental benefit (świadczenie rodzicielskie)
  • Benefit for bringing up a child, so-called 500 Plus (świadczenie wychowawcze, 500 Plus)
  • The one-off benefit from the Law on support for pregnant women and their families “For life” (Jednorazowe świadczenie z ustawy o wsparciu kobiet w ciąży i rodzin “Za życiem”)
  • Benefit “Good start”, so-called 300 Plus (Świadczenie “Dobry Start”, 300 Plus)
  • Family Care Capital (Rodzinny Kapitał Opiekuńczy RKO)

Under what circumstances am I entitled to benefits?

Family allowances are awarded to families or individuals who are studying and whose income per capita does not cross a certain threshold.

The aim of the family allowance is to partially cover the expenses of supporting a child.

It is awarded from the birth of the child until their 18th year, or, if they are still studying, until they are 21.

There is one exception to the above rule: the age limit for children is extended to 24 if they continue schooling and it is proven by legal decision that they have a moderate or severe disability.

One-off childbirth grants are paid for the birth of a live child.

Parental benefits are paid for the birth of a child.

Benefits for bringing up a child are paid for parents and guardians of children up to 18.

The one-off benefit from the Law on support for pregnant women and their families “For life” is paid for parents and guardians of a child who was diagnosed with a severe and irreversible disability or an untreatable life-threatening illness, which originated in the period of prenatal development of the child or during labour, paid up to 12 months from the date of labour.

Benefit “Good start” is paid once a year for every child starting their school year until they reach the age of 20 (24 for disabled children).

Family Care Capital is granted for the second and subsequent children between 12 and 36 months.

You can read in the "Parenthood" section about maternity and paternity benefits payable irrespective of the family's income.

What conditions need to be met?

Family allowances and supplements are granted to parents (or to one of them), guardians, and to children who are no longer minors and are studying but are not their parents' dependents (e.g. in cases of death of the parents).

In addition, income may not exceed the threshold of the so-called income criterion, which means that the income of a family (or the income of a person studying) applying for the benefit cannot be higher than:

per person in the family

PLN 674 net monthly

per person if one of the family members is a disabled child

PLN 764 net monthly

As from 1 January 2016, a new mechanism is applied. It is called “zloty for zloty”. This enables families with income a little above the income threshold to receive some allowance. Specifically, the amount of the benefits payable is reduced by the amount by which family income exceeds the income threshold. If, for example, income exceeds the threshold by PLN 100, then this is deducted from the allowance which would otherwise be payable.

Family allowance may be claimed by people living in Poland throughout the period for which the benefits are received.

It can be increased by the following supplements:

  • childbirth lump-sum (dodatek z tytułu urodzenia się dziecka): a different benefit to the one-time childbirth grant;
  • child-raising supplement during child-raising leave (dodatek z tytułu opieki nad dzieckiem w okresie korzystania z urlopu wychowawczego): is awarded to people who had been employed for at least 6 months before acquiring the right to parental leave and who take leave to care for children for 24 months (36 months in case of more than one child born on one confinement or a single parent and 72 months if child is disabled) after the end of Maternity leave and Parental leave;
  • child-raising supplement for alone parents (dodatek z tytułu samotnego wychowywania dziecka): paid to single mothers, single fathers and guardians. Supplements are also provided to those in study if neither parent is alive;
  • large family supplement (dodatek z tytułu wychowywania dziecka w rodzinie wielodzietnej): paid for the third and every subsequent child in the family;
  • training and rehabilitation of disabled child supplement (dodatek z tytułu kształcenia i rehabilitacji dziecka niepełnosprawnego): paid to cover the increased costs for the rehabilitation or education of children with disabilities;
  • commencement of a school year supplement (dodatek z tytułu rozpoczęcia roku szkolnego): paid at the beginning of each academic year;
  • child education away from the place of residence supplement (dodatek z tytułu podjęcia przez dziecko nauki poza miejscem zamieszkania): paid for 10 months of the year.

An one-off childbirth grant is awarded to the parent or guardian, provided that the family's income is not more than PLN 1,922 net per person in the family.

The grant is awarded if the mother of the child had remained in medical care during her pregnancy for no more than 10 weeks from the day of the birth.

Parental benefit is granted to parents who are not insured and do not receive Maternity allowance (students, farmers, those on fixed-term or other atypical types of contract) for a year (52 weeks) for a single birth (see Parenthood). It can be extended up to 65 weeks for birth of two children, 67 for three children, 69 for four children and 71 for five and more children.

Benefit for bringing up a child is granted from 1 April 2016 on the basis of Family 500 Plus (500+) Programme. The programme constitutes systemic support for Polish families.

Support is available for parents and guardians of children up to 18. A family with children can receive benefits for each child regardless of income.

The benefit is paid regardless of the marital status of the parents. It is paid to families where parents are married, single parents and parents in informal relationships. In the case of divorced parents, the benefit is paid to the parent who actually takes care of the child.

The one-off benefit from the Law on support for pregnant women and their families “For life is granted to the parent or guardian of a child for the birth of a child who was diagnosed with a severe and irreversible disability or an untreatable life-threatening illness, which originated in the period of prenatal development of the child or during labour.

Benefit “Good start” is an annual lump-sum of PLN 300 net per child, granted once a year for every child starting their school year until they reach the age 20 (24 for disabled children). The benefit is not means-tested.

Family Care Capital is granted up to a total amount of PLN 12,000 for child and it is not means-tested. The monthly amount is chosen by the parent, i.e. it may be either PLN 500 per month for two years or PLN 1,000 per month for one year. The monthly amount of the benefit can be changed only once. In the case of divorced parents, having joint custody of a child, each parent can receive half of this amount.

What are my entitlements and where can I apply for the benefits?

Family allowance

The amount of the family allowance:

for a child up to 5 years of age

PLN 95 /month

for a child aged 5-18

PLN 124 /month

for a child aged 18-24

PLN 135 /month

In addition to the family allowance, supplements may be granted:

Childbirth lump-sum

a one-off payment of PLN 1,000

Child raising supplement during child-raising leave

PLN 400 per month

Supplement for a raising a child alone

PLN 193 monthly per child (never more than PLN 386 for all children)

Supplement for raising a child alone if the child is recognised by decision of the court as disabled or severely disabled

PLN 273 monthly per child (no more than PLN 546 for all children)

Large family supplement

PLN 95 per month

Training and rehabilitation of disabled child supplement for children up to 5 years of age

PLN 90 monthly per child

Training and rehabilitation of disabled child supplement for children between 5 and 24 years of age

PLN 110 monthly per child

Commencement of a school year supplement

PLN 100 per year per child

Child education out of the place of residence supplement

PLN 69 monthly per child

Child education out of the place of residence supplement - if the child used to live in the municipality in which the school is located

PLN 113 monthly per child

Family benefits also encompass care benefits:

  • medical care allowances (zasiłek pielęgnacyjny) are recognised for children with disabilities and young people unable to live independently;
  • nursing benefit (świadczenie pielęgnacyjne) paid to people looking after a child and compelled to resign from work for this purpose;
  • special attendance allowance (specjalny zasiłek opiekuńczy) and caregiver allowance (zasiłek dla opiekuna) paid to those who have to provide continuous care to someone disabled if they have to give up employment to do so.

The one-off childbirth grant

Amount of the one-off childbirth grant

a one-off payment of PLN 1,000

Applications for one-off childbirth grant must be submitted within 12 months after the child's birth.

The parental benefit

Amount of the parental benefit

PLN 1,000 monthly

Parental benefit does not depend on meeting the income criteria.

The benefit for bringing up a child (500 Plus)

Amount of the benefit for bringing up a child

PLN 500 monthly

Benefit for bringing up a child does not depend on meeting the income criteria.

The one-off benefit from the Law on support for pregnant women and their families “For life” – PLN 4,000.

Benefit “Good start” – PLN 300.

Family Care Capital – PLN 500 per month for two years or PLN 1,000 per month for one year.

All family benefits in Poland are exempted from income tax.

Applications for family benefits must be submitted at the regional office of the social welfare centre, and in certain cases (e.g. in Warsaw), at the district office.

In case of the benefit “Good Start” (300 Plus), Benefit for bringing up a child (500 Plus) and Family Care Capital, applications must be submitted at the Social Insurance Institute (ZUS) online via the Platform of Electronic Services (PUE) of ZUS or Emp@tia portal of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy or e-banking.

Documents to be completed

Know your rights

The links below set out your rights; they are not European Commission sites and do not reflect its opinions:

European Commission websites and publications:

Who do I contact?

Ministry of Family and Social Policy - Family Policy Department
ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5
00-513 Warsaw
Tel. +48 538117230
Internet: www.gov.pl/rodzina
Email: info@mrips.gov.pl

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