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Improvements to emergency care and oncology at University Hospital Žilina

  • 05 August 2015

Health care provision at the University Hospital at Žilina, Slovakia has been strengthened through a project to improve facilities in the hospital's intensive care and anaesthesiology, and oncology departments. This should increase access to and quality of emergency care and ensure comprehensive professional care for cancer patients.

A new multifunctional accident and emergency reception and department has been built. It opened in November 2011 and provides ambulance services, internal consultations, trauma surgery and a surgical clinic.

Increase in treatments

Since the department opened, 21 accident and emergency patients have been resuscitated, 3 389 patients have been examined, 4 409 have been treated in the trauma surgery and 1 306 in the surgical clinic. These figures represent a 5 % increase in the number of patients treated as compared with the period immediately before the project began.

Anaesthesiology and intensive care

A new anaesthesiology and intensive care department was also built and linked to existing departments. As with the accident and emergency department, it began work in November 2011.

In the first five months of its operation, the new unit treated 65 in-patients, with the occupancy rate of beds rising to 72 % and the average length of hospitalisation dropping to 8.5 days. The number of beds in the department increased from six to eight and this constitutes sufficient capacity for providing specialist intensive care services.

Žilina University Hospital has a capacity of 715 beds and employs 212 doctors and 692 nursing staff in 27 departments. The project has led to the creation of seven new jobs at the hospital, which provides medical care for a region of some 1 200 000 inhabitants. The added value generated from the project has raised the quality of care, giving patients throughout the region a higher level of confidence in the standard of treatment on offer at Žilina.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “University Hospital Žilina” is EUR 13 262 075, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 11 272 764 from the Operational Programme “Health” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.