en English

Major waste management programme provides investment spur

  • 26 November 2014

A recycling scheme in south east Romania is flying the flag for green-friendly waste collection. The project will see a total transformation in the way waste is collected and disposed of and includes the construction of two new transfer stations, two sorting plants and a new landfill site.

The introduction of a fully integrated solid waste management system is predicted to bring direct benefits for the county´s 723 831 inhabitants. The scheme brings together the separation, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste and represents a significant investment in ongoing efforts to promote recycling.

As part of the project, five urban landfill sites which fail to comply with necessary regulations will be closed and the facilities used for another purpose.

This investment has three main targets: Firstly, a significant increase in mixed waste collection - in 2009, the rate in rural areas was a mere 39 %, and the aim is to increase this to 100 %, as is the case in urban areas.

Secondly, the reduction of biodegradable waste currently sent to landfill sites. The aim is, by 2016, to reduce this to 35 % of the total quantity generated in 1995 in order to have separate collection of waste in six areas and two stations designed to process biodegradable waste. In this respect, a public awareness campaign will promote home composting, cut waste at source and highlight the potential benefits of recycling.

A third goal is to increase the overall amount of collected waste, which is recycled to 59 %. The recycling target is 60 % for both glass and paper/cardboard, 50 % for metal, and 22.5 % for plastic. For wood, the target is 15 %.

This green-friendly initiative is expected to result in a drop in illegal dumping along with a decrease of the risks such activity brings to health and the environment. Generally the modernised waste management system should make the region more attractive to investors.

The project is expected to create 196 jobs during implementation and a further 216 upon completion.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the "Integrated waste management system in Constanta County" project is EUR 56 365 461, of which the EU´s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 32 566 520 from the Operational Programme "Environment" for the 2007 to 2013 programming period under the priority axis "Development of integrated waste management systems and rehabilitation of historically contaminated sites".