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Effects of interregional cooperation

  • 23 August 2018
Effects of interregional cooperation

In early 2018, the Interreg Europe programme launched a study to look into the long-term effects of interregional cooperation projects that run 2007 and 2014 and were funded by the programme’s predecessor, INTERREG IVC. The report about the study with 20 project stories is published now.  The study reached out to 1200+ partners from 150 INTERREG IVC projects with a survey asking about the policy changes and their effects in their regions. 4 respondents out of 5 reported that a policy

In early 2018, the Interreg Europe programme launched a study to look into the long-term effects of interregional cooperation projects that run 2007 and 2014 and were funded by the programme’s predecessor, INTERREG IVC. The report about the study with 20 project stories is published now. 

The study reached out to 1200+ partners from 150 INTERREG IVC projects with a survey asking about the policy changes and their effects in their regions. 4 respondents out of 5 reported that a policy change took place in their region thanks to their interregional cooperation project. Most frequently, the projects led to the implementation of a new activity or initiative, which had a long-term effect in their territory, as majority of the respondents declared. 

Interregional cooperation works!

Three years of soft cooperation with partners from all over Europe brings clear benefits to involved regions:

  • in Romania, clusters now have a new excellence support scheme which improves their management, built around good practices shared by partners from France, Austria and Hungary (CLUSTERIX);
  • Linz in Austria has a new co-working space for cultural and creative industries inspired by a good practice from Finland (CREA.RE);
  • Oakenshaw in the UK stood behind a windmill construction, which now provides the community with regular revenue for other energy efficiency projects, thanks to the experience shared by the Danish project partner (RENERGY);
  • Linköping in Sweden developed a new urban gardening and outdoor learning approach as a means to social cohesion in their community with the help of the project partner from Italy (Hybrid Parks). 

Keen to learn more? More stories in in-depth interviews, describing the policy changes and their effects are published now. Visit the dedicated website: