en English

Advancing the New Urban Agenda with the EU's International Urban Cooperation programme

  • 07 February 2018
Advancing the New Urban Agenda with the EU's International Urban Cooperation programme

The European Union undertook a Voluntary Commitment, in framework of the Habitat III Conference of 2016, to expand opportunities for city-to-city cooperation at regional and international level, and in that way to contribute to implementing the New Urban Agenda, notably by fostering capacity building through knowledge-sharing, exchanges of experience and mutual learning on sustainable urban development policy and practice, in a multi-stakeholder approach involving all relevant actors. Accordingl

The European Union undertook a Voluntary Commitment, in framework of the Habitat III Conference of 2016, to expand opportunities for city-to-city cooperation at regional and international level, and in that way to contribute to implementing the New Urban Agenda, notably by fostering capacity building through knowledge-sharing, exchanges of experience and mutual learning on sustainable urban development policy and practice, in a multi-stakeholder approach involving all relevant actors.

Accordingly, next 8 February, in the framework of the 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur the European Commissions' Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy organises the networking event "Cities contributing to the New Urban Agenda implementation through the International Urban Cooperation programme", which aims to present the actions undertaken by the EU to deliver this Voluntary Commitment, under the EU funded International Urban Cooperation programme and World Cities project.

These innovative projects and programmes seek to promote sustainable patterns of urban development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals, through encouraging participating cities to exchange good practices in urban policy and governance, as well as sharing information on trends and dynamics in the field of sustainable and integrated urban development, and to develop shared urban projects.

The event will take place in the AFINUA room on 8 February from 17h00 to 18h30: Programme