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B-solutions: the open call for pilot actions launched in Bratislava!

  • 02 February 2018
B-solutions: the open call for pilot actions launched in Bratislava!

The ambitious 10 points Action Plan set out in the Communication “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions” is moving one important step forward. The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), under the supervision of DG REGIO (mainly through the colleagues working in the Border Focal Point), have prepared and launched the call for proposal to finance up to 20 pilot actions aiming at solving specific border obstacles of administrative and/or legal nature. The text of the

The ambitious 10 points Action Plan set out in the Communication “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions” is moving one important step forward.

The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), under the supervision of DG REGIO (mainly through the colleagues working in the Border Focal Point), have prepared and launched the call for proposal to finance up to 20 pilot actions aiming at solving specific border obstacles of administrative and/or legal nature.

The text of the call for proposal has been presented for the first time in Bratislava on 1 February 2018, on the occasion of the third workshop organised as follow up events to the adoption of the above mentioned Communication.

The call will be managed by AEBR and will stay open until 30 April 2018. There are 400.000 EUR available to finance with a sub-grant of 20.000 small pilot projects aiming at solving border obstacles under one of these five themes: Employment, Health, (public) transport of passengers, Multi-lingualism, Institutional Cooperation. Public authorities operating in border regions are eligible to apply and the selection of proposals will happen between May and June 2018. There is a specific webpage created by AEBR for this call, where the text of the call of proposals, guidelines and all relevant information will be published:

For specific questions, a functional mailbox is already available to all interested parties:

Of course, information about the call could be found also on the recently launched platform for border stakeholders, Boosting EU border regions… one additional reason to visit it often!