en English

E-library of good practices in public procurement in the context of European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds

  • 20 September 2017

Efficient public procurement is a challenge to many Member States - irregularities and lengthy procedures, as well as limited administrative capacity are some examples of the problems encountered. Yet individual countries and their administrations have developed solutions to many common issues. For this purpose, the Commission will soon present a new tool for sharing of good practices in order to improve the compliance and quality of public procurement across the EU. The e-library will for the f

Efficient public procurement is a challenge to many Member States - irregularities and lengthy procedures, as well as limited administrative capacity are some examples of the problems encountered. Yet individual countries and their administrations have developed solutions to many common issues.

For this purpose, the Commission will soon present a new tool for sharing of good practices in order to improve the compliance and quality of public procurement across the EU. The e-library will for the first time be showed to the public on the occasion of this year's edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (Brussels 9 -12 October 2017). At a special workshop "Procurement for better results: sharing of good practices

the audience will have the opportunity to discover its features and functionalities. Public procurement practitioners from 3 different Member States will then present their practical solutions and concrete results in the following areas: 

  • Standardised tender documents - featuring the Luxemburg’s IT solution for generating tender documents automatically.
  • Skills and competency framework for professionals - focus on the Croatian training scheme.
  • Lifecycle costing tools – learning more from the Swedish experience and approach. 

For those who are interested to participate, registrations are still open

In the context of projects co-funded by the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds, sharing of good practices in the area of public procurement is expected to yield a number of tangible benefits for those involved in the process (contracting authorities, economic operators, etc.): improved efficiency and effectiveness, better value-for-money and less administrative burden are only some of them. The e-library is based on a deep research and analytical work and is one of the follow-up actions to the study on administrative capacity, systems and practices across the EU to ensure the compliance and quality of public procurement involving the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds. Both the study and the newly developed tool are part of the Commission's action plan on public procurement.

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