en English

Have your say in the public consultation on the Smart Specialisation approach for growth and jobs in Europe

  • 21 December 2016
Have your say in the public consultation on the Smart Specialisation approach for growth and jobs in Europe

We are looking for your views – and the views of the public generally - on Smart Specialisation Strategies.  These push regions to focus on their innovation strengths. This is central to Europe's ability to generate new jobs and economic growth in the coming years, and to tackle major challenges that society is facing.  These challenges include sustainability, climate change, the health of aging populations, energy and food security. During the current programming period 2014-202

We are looking for your views – and the views of the public generally - on Smart Specialisation Strategies

These push regions to focus on their innovation strengths. This is central to Europe's ability to generate new jobs and economic growth in the coming years, and to tackle major challenges that society is facing. 

These challenges include sustainability, climate change, the health of aging populations, energy and food security. During the current programming period 2014-2020 of the EU cohesion policy over 120 regions and countries have prepared "smart specialisation strategies". With this public consultation our aim is to collect views and suggestions. We need to understand challenges, and to identify good practices and lessons learnt. 

This consultation seeks particularly stakeholders that are actively involved in making innovation happen in the EU. We look especially for the views of businesses or business support organisations, national/regional/local public authorities including managing authorities, research and innovation organisations and more. 

The questionnaire is available in English but feel free to answer it in any EU language. The deadline for contributions is 24 March 2017.

Online Questionnaire