en English

Melilla ERDF 2014-20 OP

Programme description

Main objectives

The Programme aims to boost economic growth in the city of Melilla by creating employment, especially in activities with high added value. It should boost productivity, particularly in SMEs, by supporting smart growth and promoting the sustainability of the resources.

Competitiveness of SMEs and the diversification of their business activities will be promoted through improved access to credit, as well as fostering their position on international markets.

The programme will contribute to a more efficient and respectful use of natural resources. In particular, the city is committed to more sustainable mobility and to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in public buildings. The funds will help the region to improve environmental standards and preserve biodiversity of, which is key for its economy.

A particular effort will be made in promoting social inclusion and education by developing training and youth-oriented infrastructure and primary and secondary education infrastructure.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on three main priorities (% of funding):

  • Low carbon economy (18.6 %);
  • More efficient use of the resources (44.4%); and
  • Social inclusion and education (15.5%)

Expected impacts

  • increase the share of renewables in energy consumption from 4% to 10%;
  • Survival rate of SMEs in their fourth year of 91.2%;
  • Decrease the number of students per class from 30.65 to 28.19

Programme text

Programa Operativo de Melilla


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 56.735.743,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 69.933.404,00 €

Total EU contribution: 56.735.743,00 €

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