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POR Abruzzo ESF

Programme description

Abruzzo is focusing ESF investment on employment, with education and social inclusion initiatives supporting growth that benefits more of the region’s population.

Policies will focus on improving access to work for jobseekers and young people. Social inclusion and education measures will target employability and wider participation by marginalised groups in the region’s job market.

Worth EUR 142.5 million, the OP will also promote national and Europe 2020 objectives for the region. The programme, which is 50% co-funded by the EU, has the following priorities:

  • Just under half of the budget is earmarked to expand employment, particularly for youth and women, and to help adults stay in the job market. Measures will develop skills and knowledge that match available work and adapt public employment services to the modern economy. Jobseekers and inactive people, particularly the long-term unemployed and people who live far from centres of employment, will be receive help in finding jobs, with a focus on projects for local employment and which help workers, businesses and entrepreneurs adapt to change. Strategies that help young people find jobs, such as the Youth Guarantee, will target NEETs, marginalised youth and young people at risk of social exclusion to give them a foothold on the employment ladder.
  • Training for specialised positions will use over a quarter of the programme’s resources, offering jobseekers skills that are in demand in the region. Vocational training and apprenticeships will prepare school-leavers for available work, strengthening the local economy.
  • Investment in equal opportunities, active participation in society and employability will account for almost a quarter of the funds. This is expected to promote social inclusion for currently marginalised groups through access to work.

The OP’s remaining funds will be used to strengthen the region’s administrative bodies and institutions, improving their capacity to manage and follow up the programme’s policies.

Programme text

POR FSE Abruzzo 2014-2020


European Social Fund (ESF): 69.251.575,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 138.503.150,00 €

Total EU contribution: 69.251.575,00 €

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