en English

National Operational Programme on Education

Programme description

Over EUR 3 billion are invested in education as a key element for growth and jobs

The Italian Operational Programme "Education" (Per la Scuola – competenze e ambienti per l'apprendimento) for the implementation of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the period 2014-2020 outlines the priorities and objectives to spend EUR 3.019 billion (of which EUR 1.615 billion from the EU budget) contributing to an improved education system, better qualifications of students, and better school buildings and equipment.

The OP, building on the experience of the period 2007-2013, will pursue the fight to reduce early school leaving and increase quality of education, while fostering safety, quality and energy-efficiency in school infrastructure.

Investments will be focused on these areas:

  • Some 65% of the OP allocation is earmarked for concrete actions to fight early school leaving and improve the labour market relevance of education and training systems. More than 2.8 million students should benefit from measures in this area, making sure they get the right skills that improve their employment prospects. To strengthen the skills base of the workforce, equal access to lifelong learning will be enhanced for all age groups.
  • Through the ERDF component of the programme, the safety and accessibility of school buildings will be improved and modern equipment provided. For instance, more than 20.000 school labs will be equipped to allow state-of-the-art education in scientific fields.
  • Almost 80.000 public employees will be concerned by investments in the efficiency of public administrations and public services. This includes actions to improve access to and interoperability of public data on education, as well as to define and develop quality standards and quality management systems and to strengthen the national system of evaluation in the education sector.

Programme text

Programma Operativo Nazionale "Per la scuola – competenze e ambienti per l'apprendimento"


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 1.801.136.816,00 €

European Social Fund (ESF):,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget:,00 €

Total EU contribution: 2.809.315.563,00 €

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